Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

One week later of hanging out with Tyler, Kate trying to scare me away from Jonathan, and Jonathan repeatedly asking me what my dress looked like; here I am, at lunch in Mrs. Collin's classroom.

As we were all chatting amongst ourselves and eating the terrible school lunches, Matthew pulled me to the side.

"Yeah?" I said.

"Is Claire going to prom with anyone?" He asked as he fidgeted.

"What? Why?" I said out of shock.

"Because..actually no reason at all." He said followed by nervous laughing.

"Okay? And no she does not have a boyfriend." I said and smiled.

"Thanks!" Matthew said as he ran back to the group.

Well that was..odd.

The bell rang and everyone left. I walked back to my seat and grabbed my jacket and bag.

"Hey Emily! Can you wait here a second?" Tyler said gathering his stuff together.

"Sure," I said and gripped the strap of my school bag.

As everyone else walked to drama I stood at the door waiting for Tyler. He walked around a corner and I followed him.

"Emily can I ask you something?" He said as he turned to face me.

"Sure," I shrugged.

"Want to hang out after school again?" He said a bit nervous and not looking at me the whole time.

"I'd like that." I said smiling at him.

"Great," Tyler said and smiled.

Drama was ordinary. Free time. We just talked about random stuff, as usual. Classes are really boring now.

After school I met Tyler outside of the school.

"Hey," He waved

"Hey," I said.

"So where do you want to go?" Tyler said shoving his hands in his pockets.

"How about we walk around the park?" I suggested.


We walked around the park, passing by thirty nine trees, I may have exaggerated but it was pretty close to fourty. As we were walking we stopped for ice cream.

"What do you want?" Tyler asked me.

"I'll get chocolate." I stated.

"And I'll get a vanilla."

"That will be three dollars and fifty cents," Tyler took out my five dollar bill and handed it to him,"Here is your change and receipt, have a nice day." He said handing him one dollar and fifty cents back.

As we were walking we found a bench and sat there. Tyler kept bringing up a certain Youtube Channel called Girl Behind the Mic, which was kind of awkward.

"So have you heard of her?" Tyler said as he held his ice cream cone.

"Who?" I asked again.

"Girl Behind the Mic." Tyler replied.

"Oh, her." I said.

"Yeah, she's pretty good." Tyler said as he began to lick his ice cream cone.

"Yeah," because she's me.

After we finished our ice cream and that conversation we walked to the library to kill time.

About a half hour later I walked out of the library doors, as the wind hit my face, moving my hair in every direction.

I looked at my phone and it was four thirty-seven p.m..

"That was fun, but I have to go now." I said placing my phone back into my bag.

"Do you want me to drive you home?" He asked.


Tyler drove me home and I dropped off my bag on the couch and walked to the kitchen. Heating up the leftover thai food, I ate it in silence, because my Mom had to work late. She has two jobs because we don't have two incomes. I should have mentioned that earlier, but we aren't exactly rich.

I then rinsed my dishes and put them into the dishwasher, along with my breakfast dishes and turned it on.

I yawned and went upstairs to go to sleep.

After a good two hours of sleep I woke up to the sound of my phone. Seriously? I grunted and grabbed it seeing that Jonathan texted me. I rolled my eyes and set it down.

It beeped two more times and I angrily turned it on vibrate. It was silent for five minutes and then buzzed so much it fell off the table.

"Seriously!?" I said reaching over to my phone.

To Emily:

To Emily:
What color's your dress?

To Emily:

To Emily:
You can't avoid me.

To Emily:

To Emily:
Fine, be that way.

To Emily:
What color's your dress?

To Emily:
Come on, I payed for it.

I rolled my eyes. He does not know how to spell 'paid'. Yes I sound like a nerd, but I am one so I have the right to.

To Emily:
Goodnight Princess

I rolled my eyes and set my phone on the table as I drifted away into sleep.

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