Chapter 25

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Chapter 25

I got out of my mom's car and said goodbye to her. I slipped my hoodie over my blonde hair and walked into the building as fast as possible.

As I made my way to my locker I spun the combination. I opened my locker door and grabbed my books but as I walked to my class and was stopped by Jonathan.

"Emily? Are you okay?" He asked.

"Fine. I'm fine." I said walking further.

He grabbed my shoulder and looked me in the eyes.

"Are you sure? I mean Kate told everyone that your Girl Behind the Mic, and by the way is it true?" He asked.

"Yeah but you already know it so, I'm just, I'm just going to go now." I said before running away from him.

"Hey, no running in the halls." He yelled after me.

"Didn't know you remembered the rules." I yelled back as I took off my hood.

"Only for you. Only for you." He said with a smile and walked in the other direction.

"Hey, no phones allowed!" I said not even bothering to look at him as I walked past him. He followed me to Ms. Monroe's classroom.

He remembered what I first said to him, the first day I had ever tutored him. Wow.

Smiling, I walked into class. Everyone looked at me. Did I have something on my face or? Oh yeah, your identity gets revealed and people look at you differently. I merely smiled and sat in my seat, before the bell rang.

What was I going to do with my Youtube channel anyways?

Avoiding Claire and Jonathan was easy. I went to the library and ate lunch. Also, during drama Tyler wasn't there. What had happened between Jonathan and him?

I shrugged it off and stood outside of the school waiting for my mom to pick me up.

My phone made a sound and I opened it:

To Emily:
Can't pick you up, have to stay at work late. Can you call one of your friends instead? Sorry.

Wow first my identity revealed, getting a backstabbing best friend, confusion between Jonathan and Tyler, and now this?

"Emily do you need a ride?" Claire asked as she rolled the window down.

"No." I said and walked down the block. I could take the bus. Yeah I could take the bus.

She got out of her car and followed me.

"Emily please?" She said, the noise of her wedges following close behind.

"No." I said.

"Emily!" She yelled after me.

"What? What do you want to do now? Back stab me again? Just go back to your new bestie, Kate!" I yelled.

"Please if you would listen to my explaination." She pleaded.

"I've heard it before. But secrets don't just slip out!" I said before running across the street and to the bus stop.

"Emily! Please let me drive you home! The bus ride to your house is nearly half and hour."

"I'd rather do that than be with you for ten minutes." I said before looking in my bag for some change.

Tears brimmed her eyes as she said, "I never meant to hurt you."

I got on the bus and put my change in, being handed a transfer. I found a seat in the middle of the bus and began to look at the scenery.


As I put my video camera on my desk I sat on my chair and began to record a video. Aiming it only at my lips, I didn't feel like using the lipstick right now

"Hey, if you were at the prom on Saturday for my school, won't be giving out the name by the way, you probably know who I am. I'm not going to deny it. But I will continue to record my videos with only my lips." I sighed.

"Anyways you can stop watching my videos or subscribing. It's fine. But I'm going to continue to sing." I said as I smiled.

"And to anyone who knows who I am, please don't pretend like your my friend. You just think that I'm popular. I love my fans, but I want a real friend. And I've lost one already so don't treat me diffrently." I paused, "And if you ever see this blonde around town, act-act like I'm not Girl Behind the Mic." I said before turning off the video recorder.

As I uploaded my video, it was a thirty minute wait so I logged onto Facebook.

92 Friend Requests.

Wow. I sorted through a bunch of them but didn't know any of the people so I declinded them all, sorry stranger danger.

My phone vibrated and I ignored it. Claire had been texting me non-stop about saying sorry and how she had a reason.

As I did my homework I listened to the radio and sang to the songs with my headphones on. My phone vibrated again, and I took off my headphones and grabbed my phone. I was going to seriously block Claire.

A text from Jonathan, asking if I was okay. That was new. I ignored the text and set the phone back on my bed.

My phone vibrated again and I read Jonathan's name, as I picked it up.

To Emily:
Okay, if you're reading this. I just want to let you know that I think you're amazing. I don't like you for your voice. Sure it's great but over the span of the few months I've been around you, well, I think I genuinely like you.

As I set the phone on my bed I saw that my video was almost done uploading.

Another text? Seriously?

To Emily:
I may not have the guts to say it to your face but I really, really like you. It's just I get so nervous when I'm around you. I can barely speak, but if you're reading this, well I really like you.

Decision making time..

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