Past And Bad News

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Inuyasha follows me as I run from the hut to the well and looks at me. I keep my eyes forward and concentrate on the two scents I smell. Sasuke and Suigetsu not far behind us. The scents are getting stronger and now I know who's chakra is the other one I barely recognized.

"Hurry up." I command as I pick up my speed. The others doing the same.

'How the hell did they find me?'

Story Start~~~ Skyler's POV~~~

How they found me, I have no idea but I know that I'm gonna have to stop a fight because shit is gonna hit the fan. The well isn't far away so I risk a glance back at Sasuke to see if he has sensed the same thing I am. The look on his face says he has as his speed picks up. I shove my arm out in time to keep him from going ahead of me.

"Stay behind me Sasuke. I can handle this." He looks at me with a frown but stays behind me.

We reach the well and my eyes open wide. Two people that I grew close to are standing right in front of us.

"Hey bitch. Long time no see."

"Hello again Skyler."

"Hidan, Itachi. It's been too long. How the hell did you guys find me?"


"Itachi!!" Sasuke shouts stepping in front of me. Itachi sighs and looks at Sasuke.

"Must we do this now dear brother? I have important things to do."

"You are gonna pay for what you did. Right here. Right now."

"Enough!!!" I yell, getting between Sasuke and Itachi. "There is a reason why they are here and I will not put up with you wanting to fight your brother. I know what happened and honestly you have the right to want revenge but you need to think it through on who is the main person responsible for it."

"Itachi is the one responsible for it. I know it. Besides, what do you know about wanting to get revenge? You don't know what it feels like having your mother and father killed before your own eyes or come back to find everyone dead and to see the person that you looked up to kill them. You don't know how that feels!"

"Actually Sasuke, you don't know what I have been through. I was four when Orochimaru came to my clans village, found me, and being the prodigy of my clan and him knowing what my mother was and that my father was a shinobi, he wanted me and only me. He lined up everyone in my clan in front of me and killed them one by one even their protectors. Some protectors managed to escape and hide along with Kai. They are the ones in my wolf pack. The two people he saved to kill for last was my mother and father. I managed to get away and I ran. I ran as fast as I could away from him. I was able to find Kai and the remaining protectors and sign the summoning contract with them. That night Orochimaru found me while i was asleep and took me to his lair. For six years I was held as his prisoner the jutsus he has taught you I learned when I was five. I learned Karin at the age of six. I had to live with the man that killed my entire family in front of me for six years before I was able to escape. That's when I came to Konaha and I met you, Naruto and everyone else. So don't think for even a second that I don't know how you feel. That I don't know the feeling of wanting revenge. Now you know why i never talked about my past." By the time I finished my fists were clinches so tight that they were white. I hadn't noticed until now that I was crying either.

"Skyler...." Sasuke takes a step towards me and I back away from him.

I turn and run as fast as I can away from him. All the memories of that day and those dreadful years flooding into my mind. I don't hear anyone coming after me so I slow my pace and eventually hop into a tree and sit on a branch. The tears just pouring down my face.

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