The Journey Begins

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~~~ Skyler's P.O.V ~~~

~~ At Kaede's hut~~

"Welcome back Skyler, Inuyasha, Kagome. Who have ye brought with ye?" Kaede asks me.

"Kaede. Sasuke is an old friend and mine." I answer while placing a hand on Sasuke's shoulder and he nods. "The piranha looking one is Suigetsu. A friend of Sasuke's."

"Pleasure to meet ye children. Tell me, do ye plan on joining Inuyasha, Kagome, and Skyler on their journey to collect the shards of the Shikon Jewel?" Sasuke and Suigetsu nod their heads yes. "Then ye better get going. There are many demons looking for the shards as well. May luck be on ye side children."

"Thank you Kaede. Well be back soon." Kagome says as we leave the hut. Suigetsu walks up beside me and starts to stare at me. I feel my eyebrow twitch in agitation. I look over to see Sasuke smirking at my annoyance. I turn to Suigetsu who won't quit staring at me.

"What the hell do you want?" I ask with annoyance. Suigetsu chuckles and looks at Sasuke.

"She looks different than the girl in the photos you have of when you were back in the Hidden Leaf Village, Sasuke. Is she really your ex-girlfriend?" I look back over to Sasuke with a little bit shock. 'He kept those pictures? After all this time he kept them? Even the ones of me ?' I think confused.

"She's the same girl, Suigetsu. Now shut up and quit staring at her. You're probably creeping her out."

"You have no idea how much piranha boy is creeping me out. I bet he's even creeping you out too, huh Kagome?" I turn to look at her. She nods her head in agreement.

"Absolutely creeping me out. Hey Inuyasha?"

"What?" He says.

"I don't sense a jewel shard nearby. maybe we should stop and rest. It's getting pretty late too." Kagome says.

"We have been traveling for several hours. It's getting darker out now and there are many demons that come out in the dark. We have to stay together and keep an eye out."

"Skyler has a point Inuyasha." Kagome says. Inuyasha just glares at me.

"Plus, if we don't get some rest, it will be harder for us to be able to find the shards. We need to set up camp here. I'll even take first watch."

"Fine. You and your friend take first watch." Inuyasha huffs and goes to get fire wood. I turn to look at Sasuke who I have to share first watch with. 'Why him?' I think to myself. I just shake my head and jump into a nearby tree to keep watch. Sasuke is quick to follow and lands in front of me on the branch.

"What?" I ask as he stares at me.

"Nothing. I was just....... You know what? Forget it." He says.

"The hell is up with you?You never acted this way before." I freeze as he smirks at me. That was the same smirk he gave me before.......... before......... Holy shit! I look at him with wide eyes.

"Now what's up with you? You never acted this way before." The smirk never leaving his face.

"T-that smirk. Y-you only gave me t-that smirk before..... before..." I trail off, not wanting to continue with my sentence.

"Before what?" He asks.

"B-before you would........" I look away to hide my face from his view. But he grabs my chin gently and makes me look at him.

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