Strange Feelings

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I sigh and turn around, walking back to the hut. Rin runs up to me smiling and giggling. While Hidan just sits there looking at me with a smirk. Sesshomaru's just looking at me with no emotion. I plop down onto the ground, exhausted and tired from training so hard today. The sun has already began to set and the world around us is getting covered by the darkness of the night. Tomorrow Hidan gets his scythe back. I close my eyes and slowly breathe out as I relax and let my wounds from training heal. With all the training we did today we are one step closer. One step closer to saving Itachi. One step closer to saving the ninja world.

~~~ Story Start~~~ Skyler's POV~~~

I open my eyes to the rays of the morning sun on my face. I slowly sit up and look around only to notice I'm inside the hut. Sesshomaru or Hidan must have moved me inside. I look around to find everyone but Sesshomaru inside. I stand up and walk outside to see where he has gone.

I can smell him nearby so I know he hasn't gone far. I walk back inside and begin to make breakfast. After we all eat we walk outside. I walk to the side of the hut and place my hand on it and it slowly starts to retract into my hand until it's gone. I look at the others then to the tree line where Sesshomaru is emerging.

He suddenly stops and looks straight at me. I notice him narrow his eyes at me. I walk towards him with a questioning look, everyone else stays put.

"What is it Sesshomaru? Why are you looking at me like that?" I ask as I reach him.

"Forgive me Skyler." I hear him whisper.

I look to the trees only to see four people emerge. My eyes grow wide once I see who they are.

"Dad, Uncle Asuma, Shikamaru, Sakura what the hell are you doing here?" I ask in shock.

"We are here to take you back to the Hidden Leaf Village where you will go on trial for your crimes you traitor." Sakura sneers.

"Crimes? What the fuck did I do? Besides kick your sorry pathetic ass."

"Desertion, treason, attempt to kill a hidden leaf ninja and murder of innocent people."

"You are a pathetic weakling. How do you plain on proving that? Also remember this, the only reason you are still breathing is because of Sasori, the very man, who you killed. Also I did not join the Akatsuki or Orochimaru so I did not commit any treason or murder innocent people. The other three here with you know that but you are too naive and thick headed to see that. As for the desertion, I left a note for Lady Tsunade telling her that I was gonna go train like Naruto." I look at the bitch in front of me who has a smug look on her face.

"........." Sakura remains silent as I stare her down.

"What's the matter now bitch? Ain't got anything else to say to me?" I taunt.

"She also saved my life when my squad faced the ones from the Akatsuki called Kakuzu and Hidan." Uncle Asuma adds.

"You can't take me back for false charges. You gotta try harder than that. Now if you will excuse me, dad, uncle Asuma, Shikamaru, it was great to see you guys again but I must be going now. Love you dad." I say as I look at my dad. 

Kakashi walks up to me and gives me a hug and so does uncle Asuma. Shikamaru just gives me a lazy wave as I wave back.

"Love you too and please try to behave Skyler." Kakashi tells me.

"I don't think I can make any promises on that dad." I laugh.

"Be good kiddo. We'll see you soon." Asuma says while ruffling my hair. I swat his hand away and laugh.

"Bye for now." I say as I turn and walk back to Sesshomaru and the others.

Once I'm close I turn back slightly and wave at my dad and the others as they practically drag a fuming Sakura away back the the Hidden Leaf. Rin runs towards me and hugs my waist tightly.

"Who were those people Lady Skyler?" Her question didn't catch me off guard at all. I look down at her and hug her back as I answer her question.

"The one with the gray or silver hair that sticks up everywhere is my dad the others where my uncle Asuma and friend Shikamaru and the girl with the pink hair was an old teammate."  

"I was so scared they would take you away." I hear her sniffle and i kneel down to where I can look her in the eyes.

"They will never be able to take me away from you. I will always protect you." She smiles and hugs me one more time before she goes to pester Jaken.

I stand back up and look at Sesshomaru. He looks away from me, not able to keep eye contact. I turn away and walk right past him to Hidan. I can feel Sesshomaru's eyes on me the entire time. I know he has to be feeling bad or guilty.

"Let's get going. Hidan's scythe should be about done." I say as I begin to walk away in the direction of Totosai's. 

Before I can take three more steps, I feel arms wrap around my waste and I'm lifted in the air. I look to see that Sesshomaru is the one carrying me but what surprises me is that we are at least 30 feet in the air. I hear his smooth voice tell Rin and the others to stay put and that we will be back. I look away from him with a huff and cross my arms, not saying a word to him. 

We fly for what feels like forever until Sesshomaru finally lands and sets me down. I look around at our surroundings and gasp. Sesshomaru brought me to a beautiful hot spring surrounded by tall, thick trees and a creek with a small waterfall that leads into the hot spring. Large rocks surround most of the area except for a few wild rose bushes, and not just any wild rose bushes either. These rose bushes had white roses. I watch as Sesshomaru walks over to one of the bushes and examine them very closely. I turn away and walk over to the edge of the water.

"Why did you bring me here?" I ask as I stare at my reflection.

I wait for his answer but it never comes. I turn around expecting to see him still by the bushes but he's not there. I let out a sigh and look up at the sky.

"Why does my anchor have to be so confusing. How can he be my true mate?" I whisper to myself, thinking that he left me here alone.

Suddenly I'm pushed up against a tree, Sesshomaru's lips pressed against mine. Before I even get the chance to react, he pulls back, turning away from me and walks a few feet away. I look down to see a single white rose in my hand.

 "Sesshomaru? Are you ok?" I ask, taking a step forward. 

"What are these strange feelings that I feel when I'm around you? I don't understand." He says as he turns to face me.

"What do you mean by strange feelings? What are you feeling?" I say as I take another step forward.

"I can't explain it. This is something I have never felt before. It's like a.. a warm, weird feeling. I just can't explain it exactly."He answers, his brows furrowed. 

I take a deep breath and take the last step to stand right in-front of him. I place my hand on his cheek in order to get him to look me in the eyes. His beautiful pools of gold staring into my very soul. I take one more breath, knowing my next words will change everything.

"Then show me." 


So sorry it took me so long to update!!!!!! Just got a laptop that I can actually connect to wifi with to make things easier than writing on my phone. Hopefully I can update more often now.

Goodbye for now my lovelies.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 25, 2017 ⏰

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