We're Back!!

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I release Hidan and we step a good enough distance away. I nod to Shikamaru and he blows up the bombs and the hole collapses in on itself. I nod a thank you Shikamaru and me and Hidan turn and run to the well that is our way to the feudal era. 'Finally.' I think as we run.

~~~ Story Start~~~ Skyler's POV~~~

Hidan and I make it to the well and we both smile at each other.

"You ready?" He asks as I nod my head.

"Come on let's go!" I yell jumping in the well and him following.

The bright light engulfs us and a moment later we are at the bottom. We both jump out and look around. Yep we're definitely back in the feudal era. Turn in the direction of Kaede's village and sprint through the trees until I see the village in sight. I smile as I run to the old woman's hut and walk in.

"Hey Kaede." I smile walking over to her. She turns to me and smiles.

"Welcome back child. Ye looks have changed I almost didn't recognize ye." She said walking and giving me a hug.
"I see that ye have brought Hidan back with you."

"Sup, old lady." Hidan smiles as she gives him a hug as well.

"So where's Kagome and the others?" I ask.

"They are looking for Naraku and more jewel shards. I'm sure you can find then with your powers."

"Yep. It's good seeing you again Kaede but we gotta go catch up to Kagome and the others. Bye!" I say as Hidan and I run from the hut.

I activate my Ketsenoku and find Inuyasha's and the other's presences and I turn in that direction with Hidan following. What makes me curious is that there is three more presences with them. They also seem to be traveling together.

~~~ Time Skip~~~

After some time of running, Hidan and I are close to the group. I suddenly feel a very dark presence and pick up my speed and hide my sent, presence, and aura. Hidan doing the same.

We run to a castle surrounded by a purple like mist. Hidan and I put cloth masks over our mouths and noses and jump into the mist. We land soundlessly on a roof and see Kagome with Inuyasha, Shippo, two people I don't know, a a two-tailed sabertooth cat fighting a man that I sensed the dark aura from.

I sense another aura coming our way and man, is it strong. I look up in the direction I sense it from and see a man with long silver hair, a large fluffy thing over his right shoulder and armor over the other. He has a blue crescent moon one his forehead and stripes on his cheeks. I notice he is missing his left arm by the way his sleeve is being blown by the wind. I look at his face and finally see the color of his eyes and they look like pools of gold. He look similar to Inuyasha as well.

I turn my attention back to the man with the dark aura and see him looking at the man that just showed up. A woman with red eyes,a fan, and two feathers in her hair steps out to stand by the man with the dark aura. I decided to make my presence know once the man and woman goes to attack Inuyasha, the others, and the man that looks like Inuyasha.

"You know you shouldn't bully people just for fun. It's not nice." I say as I suddenly show up and slam the man into the ground by his throat.

Everyone stares at me in shock and curiosity. I stand up and put my foot on the man's face and tilt it to the side to see his face. He's cute I'll give him that. He looks at me with shock and then hate. I guess because I snuck up on him and slammed him into the ground.

"Hmp. Too easy." I say as I walk away.

The man gets up and the woman raises her fan to me. I sense her attack before she even announces it. She send her attack towards me and I simply raise my hand and stop the attack.

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