Something New

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"Why don't we get back to the village? I'll catch some fish to cook." Inuyasha says.

"OK. And I'll help you catch some fish. You guys can go back if you want." I say turning to my pack. They all nod and disappear in clouds of smoke. We all turn and head back to the village me and Inuyasha breaking off from everyone at the river to catch the fish.

Story start ~~~ Skyler's POV ~~~

Once Inuyasha and I get to the river I turn to look at him then look around us. It's so beautiful here but I miss Konaha. I've been away for a year and a half and I miss everyone so dearly. I let out a sigh and the hanyo turns to look at me.

"You OK? You seem sad." He asks out of pure concern.

"Yeah. I'm just a little homesick. I miss Konaha. I've been away for a year and a half. I wonder how everyone is doing now."

"We never did get to finish our conversation earlier in the tree." He says and I nod.

"Well what all do you want to know?" I ask as he looks away in thought.

"Well, I've been wondering what your era is like. I mean are there any demons?"

"Some but not many. There are many people that are similar to demons and are even called so but they are human." I reply

"OK. You're turn. Ask me anything you want." He says as he starts to take off his red robe top.

"Alright.  Why has your attitude changed towards me in the past few days?" I ask while stripping down to my under shirt and leaving on my shorts.

"To be honest, I don't really know." He answers.

"OK. Now let's catch some fish. I'm hungry." Right on que both of our stomachs growl and we start laughing.

We both jump into the water and start to swim around looking for fish Inuyasha catches some and kills them with his claws and swims to the shore to place them in the basket I have  a clone holding that I made earlier. I pop up with a few of my own fish I killed with kunai and place them in the basket. I look at Inuyasha and he looks shocked for some reason. I look at him confused then look around me then look back at him.

"What are you looking at?" I ask utterly confused.

He stays silent and continues to stare. Now I start to get worried and snap my fingers in front of his face.

"Earth to Inuyasha. What the hell are you staring at?" I ask then Inuyasha finally seems to snap out of it.

"What?" He ask.

"I said what the hell are you staring at?" I ask annoyed.

"Your eyes are glowing golden." He says then leads me to the river.

I look into the water to see my reflection and sure enough he wasn't lying. My eyes are glowing golden. I lift my hand up to my face only to notice I have claws as well. I start to panic then I hear a poof from behind me. I turn to see Kai and he looks at me then sighs.

"I was hoping you wouldn't change yet until you were 16 but your change is starting early." He says as I look at him in shock. He knew this would happen!?

"What do you mean? What is happening to her?" Inuyasha demands.

"It's what she is. She is not only a shinobi but she is also a werewolf. Her father was a shinobi and her mother was a werewolf. At the age of 16 is when they start to change. They can learn to control it and change when they want but only with guidance. Luckily your mother explained to me how to help teach you how to control it before she was killed. First just calm down and your eyes and claws will go back to normal." Kai explains.

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