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Kai nods his head and then my wolves disappear into clouds of smoke. I use my Shikaishi to get rid of the smoke then I walk out of my room.

~~~ Story Start ~~~ Skyler's POV ~~~

I activate my Ketsenoku to sense anyone nearby and find no one. I also search for the exit and find it with ease. This seems almost too easy. I walk to the exit and look up. Yep way too easy. I'm not even in a genjutsu either.

I jump out through the exit and begin running away from the hideout as fast as I can. My Ketsenoku still activated to figure out where I am. I know I'm in the land of sound so I need to go to the Hidden Rain Village.

~~~ Time Skip~~~

I walk through the Hidden Rain Village to the main tower, make a hand sign and enter it. I walk into the living room of the Akatsuki hideout and to Pein-sama's office. I knock then here him say 'enter' so I walk in.

His eyes widen at the sight of me and then he smiles, standing up from his seat and walking up to me giving me a hug. I hug back with a smile in my face as well.

"I didn't think you'd be back so soon. There must be a reason." I nod my head and explain to him everything that has happened to me since I finished my training with the Akatsuki.

He soon dismisses me to go rest and I walk to my old room. I will continue to train and help out for a little while then I will go back to the feudal era. I left out the part of the shikon jewel though during my explanation.

~~~ Time Skip~~~ 1 Month~~~

I've been back at the Akatsuki for a month and it's just like old times well  besides Sasori no longer here. I let out a sigh as I walk with Hidan and Kakuzu to the bounty place to turn in our bounty that Kakuzu just had to get. Everything was going well until Asuma, Shikamaru, and two more leaf ninja show up.

I never got an Akatsuki cloak so I am wearing one of the four cloaks that Sasori gave me.

~~~ Flash Back~~~

After Pein-sama dismisses me to rest I walk to my old room. I open the door to find three different cloaks folded neatly on my bed. A red one, a navy blue one, and a black one. I picked up each cloak and notice they are made from the same material as my midnight blue one. After picking up the red one I find another note from Sasori.

After reading the note I know now that the red one protects me from the natural elements and creates a barrier around me if I'm in danger. The navy blue one protects me from any weapon and poison. Lastly the black one will disappear and reappear when I shift from wolf form to human.

~~~ Present~~~

I have the black cloak on that disappears as I shift to wolf and reappears once I shift back to human.
Hidan starts to fight with Asuma as I watch carefully from the sidelines.

Hidan told me and Kakuzu to stay out of it, but he called me by my nickname in the Akatsuki that we use for when we are out on missions. I bet you're wondering what my nickname is huh. Well they call me Shadow. I don't know how I got the nickname but it works.

My cloak is hiding my face from the ninja because I don't want them to know my identity. Someday I hope to return to my village.

When I tune back in to the fight, I see Hidan's head on the ground and here him yelling at Kakuzu saying it is his fault that he got his head cut off. Great now Hidan with stop at nothing to kill Asuma. Kakuzu puts his head back on and is yelling at Asuma.

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