Avenging My Brother And Full Moon

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"Ok Sasuke, lead the way to Orochimaru." He nods taking the leas and we start on our way to the snake's den.

'I hope all this doesn't take too long and Sasuke doesn't try to carry out his plan.' I think as we run.

~~~ Story Start~~~ Skyler's POV~~~

After two days of pretty much none stop running, we finally reach Orochimaru's current hideout. I hope this was a good idea. I hope I'm not in over my head.

We enter the hideout and walk through the hallways until we reach a large room with the statue of a giant snake at far side of the room. The snake himself and his little puppet, Kabuto, standing there. Orochimaru smiles and evil smile seeing me and his tongue slithers out of his mouth to like his lips.

"Oh my dear Skyler. You have returned to us. Tell me my dear, what made you return?" He chuckles.

"I am merely here to seek revenge for my brother. Anything else is none of your concern." I reply coldly. I hate the man standing in front of me.

"Oh my dear. You have no family remember? I killed them all." He laughs darkly.

"Because of you, I don't have any family by blood. Blood doesn't make you family. Its your bonds with them that makes you family. And that is something you can never take away from me." I turn around and walk away with Sasuke on my tail, but not after giving Orochimaru a look.

Sasuke and I walk through the hallways until we stop at a door. I'm still pissed off at him and now even more angry with Orochimaru. We walk into the room and I lay sprawled out on the bed. Sasuke stands over me with a look that I want to laugh at.

"Share." He says, well, more like commanded.

"No. I'm still pissed off at you and Orochimaru made it worse so you can either sleep on the floor or in another room." He pouts then sits on the edge of the bed.

"Please Skyler? Will you share? I'm sorry. I never should of said those things to you. I truly am sorry. Will you please forgive me?" He begs and apologizes. 'Bullshit' I think to myself.

"No. Go train or something." He huffs then walks out of the room.

I smile to myself as I roll on my side to get some rest. After a few minutes i hear a poof and turn over to see Kai looking at me with concern. 'That's right. The full moon is tonight.' Kai and I had a talk last night while Sasuke and Suigetsu were asleep.

Kai explained to me that before I fully shift for the first time, I will get a vision giving me a hint of what my anchor is. So at any moment today, I should get a vision.

I scoot over on the bed and pat the spot I just made for Kai to jump up here to sleep with me. He use to do this every night after my clan was killed to comfort me. He hops up on the bed and I snuggle into his fur coat and fall asleep to the sound of his heartbeat.

~~~ 2 Hours Later~~~

I wake up to the sound of Kai growling softly. I sit up to notice his ears perked up and his eyes are glued to the door. I concentrate my hearing and feel for chakras around me. I feel Sasuke three doors away from me and four other chakras. Two of which I recognize immediately.

One chakra is heading in our direction but stops at Sasuke's door. A minute later, I hear an explosion causing my room to shake but stay in tack. I feel the other chakras go by my room then Kai and I poof out of my room to outside where we can watch what is happening from a safe distance away.

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