Last Mission

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I pack my stuff up and seal them in scrolls so I don't have to carry much if anything at all. Pein-sama wanted me to do one last mission with Hidan and Kakuzu before I leave so that is what I'm doing now. I meet Hidan and Kakuzu at the door and we head out to do our mission. My last mission with the Akatsuki.

~~~ Story Start~~~ Skyler's POV~~~

So me, Hidan, and Kakuzu are standing in a forest of dead trees not to far away from the Leaf Village when we are confronted by Leaf ninja. I still have the same cloak on that I had when I saved Asuma. So I know that Ino, Choji, and Shikamaru notice me with my appearance. I look to them and they still wear shocked faces seeing me again.

Through the last month, Hidan and I have become closer again like before. We've been training together every day with combo attacks and I've even gotten a hell of a lot stronger. I can beat any Akatsuki member, even Pein-sama, with one hand tied behind my back. That's how strong i have become.

I stand in shock when I see who the Jonin of there team is. 'Dad.' I think to myself sadly. In case you all don't remember, I was adopted by Kakashi Hatake and that is exactly who is standing in front of me right now. I look to Hidan and he gives me a sad look that only I can tell it was sad.

"Shadow. You don't have to fight this one if you don't want to." I hear Kakuzu say.

My real appearance is still hidden but it's taking all that I have not to drop the disguise and run and hug Kakashi. I never realized how much I've missed my dad until I see him standing in front of me now ready to kill me, Hidan, and Kakuzu. If only he knew it was me.

"Kakuzu. Hidan." I say as everyone's attention is turned to be.

"What Shadow?" Hidan asks.

"I will not interfere with this fight. I will not fight my dad. Also, call me by my real name. This is my last mission with you. I was never part of the Akatsuki. I only trained under everyone of you. You have all became family to me and I do not wish for any of you to die but with the way that Pein-sama is, I cannot save all of you from your fate. I wish I could talk some of you into leaving the Akatsuki to live in peace but that may be impossible to do." I explain as I drop my disguise and lower my hood, showing my identity.

"Why didn't you tell us that this was your last mission at the start of it?" Kakuzu asked.

"Because I wanted to at least save you two from the fate you will have in the Akatsuki. You two are the ones, besides Itachi, that I'm closest to. I cant see you guys die." I explain as I look over to the ninja in front of us.

"I cannot leave, Skyler. It's the only place that excepts me. I'm sorry." Kakuzu says to me.

"Enough fucking talk. I want to fight." Hidan says. He is so dumb.

"I'm staying out of this." I say stepping up to Hidan.

Me and Hidan had already talked about this being my last mission with the Akatsuki and I had asked him to come with me to the feudal era. He had said yes. I also know that Shikamaru will try to break up Hidan and Kakuzu to deal with Hidan for trying to kill Asuma so that will be our chance to leave if the Akatsuki thinks Hidan is dead. Me and Hidan are a deadly team together.

I look at Kakashi and walk up to him. He steps back but then stands his ground pulling out a kunai. I stop in front of him and look him in the eyes.

"Why do you pull a weapon on your own daughter when I have done nothing wrong and have no intention of harming you?"

"Because you tried to kill Sakura and Naruto and you were with Orochimaru. How do I know that you haven't betrayed the village?"

"Is that what Sakura fucking told you? Yes I did want to kill her but I didn't. Also, if I had tried to kill her she would be dead by now. Sasori asked me not to kill her when he left me a note with my cloak. I didn't attack Naruto either. I pinned him and the others down so they wouldn't get hurt or in the way. I wasn't with Orochimaru. I was getting Sasuke and Suigetsu off my trail because they were sent to find me to take me to Orochimaru so he could rape me and make me bare him an heir. Also with me being with the Akatsuki, like I said before, I never joined them I was only training under them. So therefore I have done nothing really wrong." I finish explaining.

"No one ever knew she was from the Leaf Village because anytime she would go on a mission with us she would have a disguise and she would never kill anyone. Just knock them out." Kakuzu explained to Kakashi and the others. What surprises me was Ino, Choji, and Shikamaru joined the conversation to also defend me.

"She also saved Asuma-sensi's life when Hidan tried to kill him." Shikamaru says.

"Yeah. We were there." Choji adds.

"She healed all of his wounds. Not even Lady Tsunade can do the jutsu she did." Ino also adds.

"She is still fucking loyal to the Leaf Village and her bonds she has fucking created there." Hidan says.

Kakashi sighs and puts his weapon away. I look at him and I see his eye closed knowing that he's smiling. I close the gap and hug as he hugs back.

"I've missed you dad." I whisper.

"I've missed you too Skyler." He replies.

"I cant go back to the Leaf Village yet. I have some unfinished business somewhere else. But I hope someday that I can return home."

"My arms will always be open to you Skyler." I smile as we pull away and then I look to Hidan and he nods his head.

"I love you dad." I say stepping away.

"I love you too sweetheart."

Hidan and Kakuzu get into a fighting stance and I stand out of the way.. I know that once Shikamaru separates Hidan and Kakuzu that i have to follow Hidan so we can get out of this and leave to the feudal era.

Eventually Shikamaru separates Hidan and Kakuzu and I follow not far behind them. I throw a kunai at dad with a note saying goodbye for now and that I love him. It lands at his feet and he looks up at me and I give him a smile. He picks it up and reads it real quick and puts it in his pocket.

I run into the forest right behind Shikamaru and Hidan silently and notice there are deer all around us. This is the Nara forest that belongs to Shikamaru's clan. They reach a spot and soon he has Hidan in a trap. Just as he is throwing a lighter to blow Hidan to bits over a deep hole, I jump from my spot behind a bush a catch the lighter before it can touch the paper bombs. Shikamaru looks at me shocked that I even got into the forest.

"Thank you Shikamaru. You set him free from the Akatsuki. Now I need to ask a favor."

"What is it Skyler?"

"After I release Hidan, blow up the bombs so that if any Akatsuki member is around thinks he is dead. Got it?"

"I guess so but you know that this is such a drag." I giggle at his response and nod.

I release Hidan and we step a good enough distance away. I nod to Shikamaru and he blows up the bombs and the hole collapses in on itself. I nod a thank you Shikamaru and me and Hidan turn and run to the well that is our way to the feudal era. 'Finally.' I think as we run.


Here's another chapter. I can't wait for the next one I'm excited to see what I come up with. Stay tuned to find out.

Bye for now my friends

I'll be back!!!!! =^-^=

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