Kagome Goes Home And Training Begins

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~~~ Skyler's P.O.V. ~~~

     We arrive back at Kaede's village in about a day. Inuyasha and Shippo have not been getting along at all. He always has to pick on and tease the poor little fox demon. I'm the leader of the group and yet I'm putting up with this just as Kakashi put up with our crap as team seven. I miss those days. I really do.

     Inuyasha starts to pick on Shippo to the point to where it's annoying me. I feel my eyebrow twitch in annoyance and turn my head to face Inuyasha as he picks Shippo up and Shippo is squirming to get out of the half-demon's grasp.

     "Why don't you pick on someone your own size Inuyasha?" I ask as I walk over to the idiot.

     "You're not my size." he replies quickly.

     "Put Shippo down." I order and he raises an eyebrow at me. As if challenging me.

     "Make me." He dares me, looking right into my eyes with amusement. Oh this will be fun. I look over to see Sasuke with a smirk on his face and Suigetsu with a somewhat frightened look on his.

     "Do you really want to challenge her? After what you witnessed what she did to those Thunder Brothers without even breaking a sweat? You are insane." Suigetsu says.

     "She isn't that powerful. I've seen her type. Appear intimidating and strong but in the end they're weak." Inuyasha replies smugly. I clinch my fists and take a deep breath.

     "I've seen your type before too. All talk and no bite. You actually remind me of someone a few years ago. But he's changed now. He's gotten stronger and can now back up his mouth. Sasuke and I met him in the Land of Tigers. You remember Meko, right Sasuke? He was a pain in the ass and could never learn not to provoke a wolf. In the end, he learned his lesson by getting his ass handed to him by me. Now, I'm not going to say this again, Mutt. Put. Shippo. Down." I say dangerously. "Before I make you."

     I see Sasuke's eyes widen and his smirk falls. I can tell that he knows the tone in my voice. It's the same one I used against Haku and Gaara when they tried to kill or harm Sasuke or any of my teammates. When I use this tone, it usually ends with me giving my opponent a serous ass kicking. The smirk soon returns to his face.

     "Do this after I leave, okay? I'm leaving now anyway. I'll be back in a few days. Please don't kill each other while I'm gone." Kagome says as she jumps into the well and is soon back in her own era. 'Is that how we can get back to our own era too?' I think amazed.

     "No promises." I mumble to myself.

     Kagome jumps into the well and is soon back in her own era. I turn back to Inuyasha with a devilish smirk on my face.

     "Why are you smirking at me? And why does it look like an evil one?" Inuyasha asks.

     "Because you haven't put Shippo down yet and now I get to make you." I laugh.

     "Just try it." As soon as that sentence leaves his mouth, I appear right behind him with a devilish smirk and hold a kunai to his neck.

     "Game over. You lose. Now, put Shippo down."

     "Damn it." I hear Inuyasha mutter as he puts Shippo down. "You're quicker than I thought."

     "Thanks." I say. "So now that that's over, Sasuke's training begins now."

~~~ Few hours later~~~

     Sasuke had been working on the hand signs for Kirin for a few hours now and is starting to get aggravated. I can tell that. He knows them now and is trying to form the hand signs as fast as he can and he keeps messing up. It's actually kinda funny with the look on his face when he fails or messes up a hand sign. I can see the he's tired too.

     "Sasuke, I think that's enough for today. You can work on your speed later. You need to rest. Come on, back to the village." I say as I turn to walk away.

     Inuyasha, Suigetsu, and Shippo already went back to the village an hour ago, so it's only Sasuke and I in the forest. I stop walking when I feel Sasuke grab me by my waist from behind. He pulls me into his chest and places his chin on my shoulder.

     "Just a little longer? Please?"

     "Sasuke. You've practiced enough for today. You need to rest."

     "Not what I meant." I turn around and look at him with an eyebrow raised.

     "Then what did you mean?" I ask.

      "I'll just show you." He replies with a smirk.

       I smirk as he pins me to a tree. He tilts my head up with his hand and captures my mouth with his own. His hands find my waist and I lose my hands in his duck-butt style hair. He kisses me deeply then breaks away, only for his lips to connect with my neck. He nips, licks, and kisses my neck. A moan escapes from my lips and I feel him smirk against my neck. I wrap my right leg around his waist and he holds it up with his left hand. He presses his body up against mine. Our hips grind together and I moan. Sasuke grunts. I feel him as hard as a rock against my warmth. I moan again at the pleasure that I'm feeling with his lips starting to trail butterfly kisses up my neck and down my jaw line. I capture his mouth with mine when he gets close enough. I grind my hips with his again and he grunts against my lips. His tongue slides across my lower lip and I allow him to enter my mouth. Our tongues have a battle for dominance and he wins. He grinds our hips together again and I moan louder. We pull away for much needed oxygen.

     I'm panting heavily and so is Sasuke. He's to busy smirking at me to stop me from switching our positions and pining him to the tree. He continues to smirk at me.

     "Nice try." He says as he tries to switch our positions again. I easily stop him and crash our lips together in a very deep and passion filled kiss. I press my body up against his and slide my tongue across his lower lip. He denies me entrance so I grind my hips with his and bit his lower lip hard enough to draw a little bit of blood. He gasps and I take that as my chance and slip my tongue into his mouth. I explore every inch of it trying to memorize every bit of it. I pull me tongue out and his immediately shoots into my mouth. He's exploring every inch of it trying to memorize every bit of it. I pull away and I place my lips on his neck and immediately find his sweet spot, earning a groan from him. After a few minutes of that I pull completely away from him and straighten up my clothes and hair.

     "We need to go back now Sasuke." I say as he pouts at me causing me to giggle.

     "But I don't want to go just yet." Sasuke wines. I turn to walk away but he wraps his arms around my waist again from behind.

     "As much as I would love to stay here just me and you, I need to make sure Inuyasha isn't picking on Shippo again." I say as I wrestle my way out of Sasuke's arms. "Come on Sasuke." I command.

     "Just one more kiss then?" He asks with puppy dog eyes.

     "Fine." I give him a soft and quick peck on the lips them grab his hand, intertwining my fingers with his. "Now come on." I giggle.


I know it's short but it's an update. I've been having some issues with writers block and that shit so I'm so so so very sorry it took this long to update.

I've noticed that a few people have added my story to their reading lists and I'm very thankful for that!

Also! I have notice that this story has over 300 reads!! So thank you all for reading!!

School just let out for the summer so i should have more time to write so I will try to get the next update out as soon as I can!!!

Bye for now!




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