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“Come on Daniella, you were never like this before.” my dad sighed annoyingly, looking at me.

“Yeah, before you decided to make me leave my perfectly good life and move to Sydney” I snapped, glaring at him.

“Daniella...” he began, before I cut him off, “Save it dad, I’m not in the mood.” I grunted, before plugging in my headphones and blasting all time low music. 

A blank expression on my face as I painfully watched us soar into the sky so high, until eventually the only view to be seen was a jumbled up arrangement of clouds. 

Realization struck me like an unexpected bullet, as reality came crashing down into my newfound world that I was leaving behind my entire life. My family, my friends, my home, everything. It was all because of dad and his stupid job. He was a school music teacher. I know what you’re thinking, why couldn’t he just move to a school in Brisbane where we were happily living? I’m still questioning my self the same thing. 

My dad and I had one of the best father/daughter relationships, he was a bit younger than most dads so he was willing to let me be young and be a teenager yet he still had those parental limits. My mum left us when I was 3, I can’t remember much of her, dad never seems to speak about her, so I’ve stopped bothering to ask about her.

I sighed as I tilted my head in a way that would allow me to see dad and his miserable expression, without me completely turning my head allowing him recognition of the fact I was observing him. 

I turned my head so it was once again facing the window, observing nothing but white fluffiness drifting by us as we headed into Sydney. I continued looking out the window, until my eyelids became heavier.

Hey guys! I just want to thank you all for the amount of unexpected reads and comment I got on the first upload of this story, it means a lot. I know this isn't much, but it's basically just a story starter of her situation so I won't have to include much of that in the first actual chapter. I'm working on the chapter at the moment, so I can assure you it will be up by tonight. Let me know what you think :) xx

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