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Okay this is a really shit update and I'm sorry.
Literally just wrote this in the car - we're on our way to Melbourne atm.
I'm sorry for the bad chapter but I thought it would be better than nothing.
Thank you all for the votes, reads and supportive comments.
Thank you for 4k! Love you guys :)

I woke up blissfully to the peaceful soundings of all time low mildly blasting through some speakers. I smiled at this; the only thing making me frown was the withdrawal of the tattooed arms once wrapped around my waist.

It almost felt as if something was missing. 

My eyelashes swept the top of my eyelids as I opened them, blinking to rid my eyes of blur. 

I lay in the comfort of a duvet and a mattress as I hear an astounding voice begin to sing along to paint you wings by all time low. 

The voice was Luke’s. His voice matched his angelic pale face. 

I quietly tip-toed out of the bedroom and into the kitchen where Luke had his back turned, turning on the kettle, his gorgeous voice ringing through my ears.

His vibrant blonde hair tousled, sticking out in different directions, a messy effortless style that made him look extremely sexy might I say.

I snuck up closer behind him, and wrapped my arms around his waist, making him shiver.

“Dans?” he muttered.

“Mmm” I hummed. 

He whipped around to face me with a smile on his face.

“I thought you’d leave” he whispered, smile slipping.

“Hey, I’m still here aren’t I?” I grinned soothingly.

He nodded.

“You’re the only girl who’s ever stayed the night.” he mumbled honestly.

I wasn’t sure whether or not this was a good thing or a bad thing honestly.

“Wait, don’t girls come over all the time?” I raised an eyebrow.

“Yeah, erm, for a root... and then they leave...” he explained.

“Oh” I nodded my head as an awkward silence filled the room.

“Thank you Dans” he said seriously. I looked up from the floor I previously found interest in, trying my hardest to avoid his bright blue eyes.

“For everything that happened last night. Thank you. No one’s ever done anything even close to that for me.” he explained further.

I just smiled and nodded.

I pulled him in for a hug and kissed his collarbone; lingering there momentarily.

I pulled away to see a big smile on his face.

His bright blue orbs stared into my dark brown ones. 

The two of us leaned in slowly as slow can be, until our noses were touching, and eventually our lips were also touching.

Our lips moved in perfect sync as he slid his tongue across my bottom lip, asking for permission which I instantly gave.

He tastes of mint and cherry.

Things got heated fast within the two of us. 

My arms wrapped around his neck, tugging at the bottom strands of his hair, hanging out of his grey beanie.

His arms around my waist slowly slid down, until his was cupping my bum cheek, making me gasp into the kiss and him smirk whilst laughing lowly.

He leaned in again and within seconds we were in a heated make out session again.

“Jump” he whispered onto my lips, as his hands moved down to my ass again for support. Reluctantly I jumped up, him catching me without moving a muscle. This boy had strength, might I say.

He smiled against my lips as we continued kissing.

He went to place me on the counter.

I heard the knocking over of something, before a boiling hot liquid attached itself to my right thigh.

I gasped, pulling away from the kiss. 

“Ouch” I whispered, voice cracking.

I bit down on my lip to force my tears away.

“Shit Daniella! Oh God, I’m so sorry” he started frantically mumbling.

I looked down to see the kettle had spilt hot water on me.

“Come here babe” he said, biting his lip.

My leg was burning.

He picked me up bridal style and took me into the bathroom inside his bedroom. Along the way he was rubbing his thumb against the burning spot which had now turned bright red and blisters looked prone to forming.

I couldn’t hold the tears in any longer and I started to quietly sob. 

Luke noticed this as he placed me on the bathroom counter.

“fuck Dans I’m so sorry” he said apologetically and I could see the guilt in his eyes.

I just nodded, continuing to sob softly. I heard him turn the shower on, before I knew it I was underneath the showers freezing cold water as Luke did his best to nurse my burn.

After about 4 minutes under the cold water, he made it warmer to warm me up.

“Are you okay Dans?” he asked guilt shown clearly in his voice, it was cracking. 

I looked up to see tears of guilt built up in his eyes.

“hey, we all make mistakes, it’s okay” I smiled, kissing his nose.

He nodded wiping away my tears and blinking his back. 

We sat there, fully clothed, under the warmth of hot water provided by the shower for about half an hour, laughing and generally talking, sharing kisses here and there.

We eventually got out otherwise his water bill would probably be a fortune.

I changed into another pair of his boxers with a waistband and another shirt of his with a penguin on it.

He changed into a pair of lose boxers and a t-shirt with a yellow smiley face on it.

“I heard you singing this morning” I smiled.

“Really?” he asked, making the long awaited cup of tea’s.

“Yeah, you’re really good Luke” I admitted.

“Thanks” he replied, handing me my tea.

“Don’t burn yourself” he winked.

I poked my tongue out laughing, before sipping my tea as he sipped his.

We ended up watching step brothers together and saying basically every line outline. It was hilarious.

By the end of it we were snuggled up on his couch in laughing fits which eventually died down as we both fell asleep clutching one another.                                                                                                                                                                           

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