thirty five

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// Daniella

A cute waiter made his way over to our table, placing 7 menu’s down on the table — giving me a sympathetic smile as it was quite obvious that everyone had a partner, I guess you could say, except for me. Honestly, I couldn’t stand to be looked at as a basket case, but then again “I’m not alone, I have someone, he’s just not here because my dumb ass broke up with his attractive ass because he had a heroin addiction and he’s in rehabilitation now” is not really the type of thing you just say.

We were still yet to hear anything from the rehab place Luke was situated at; in terms of his release I mean. The suspense was eating me alive, I just wanted to know. But that was out of the question considering he wasn’t allowed visitors and I didn’t even know the name of the rehabilitation centre.

“Dani? Earth to Dani?” Calum chuckled, interrupting my thoughts and causing me to realise I had completely blanked out.

“Sorry,” I muttered, playing with my fingers before my attention was suddenly turned to the waiter who still happened to be positioned at the end of our table.

“I’m taking your drink orders now, and then I’ll come back for your meal orders — what do you want to drink?” he asked politely.

“Creaming soda please, but if you don’t have that, pink lemonade please” I smiled.

He gave me a quick nod before walking off with our orders.

I glanced around, taking in my surroundings. We were at Hogs Breath Cafe for lunch, and God, did I love this place.

It was actually the first time I had been in Sydney, but I used to always go as a kid with dad. It was ‘our place’, I guess you could say. Whenever I had won a game of field hockey on Saturday’s, or I had gotten good grades on my report card, or simply when dad would take me out for a treat, he would always ask where I wanted to go for lunch, (or dinner), and my answer would always be “Hogs Breath Daddy!”. 

Despite the fact that I’d probably never admit it out loud, I missed Brisbane so bad. It was my home, and everything was so much easier then. Dad and I were so much closer, we hardly ever had an argument, and when we did it was over something so little and stupid and we’d get over it within an hour. 

I’m not saying I wanted to go back to exactly the way things were, I mean — Sydney was great. The friendships I’ve made her will last me a life time, unlike all the ones I had in Brisbane. And the thing I loved Sydney for the most, was that it gave me Luke. Luke was the equivalent to an angel that had lost his way, all he needed was a little guidance, and I gave him that. Thing is, the two of us got so attached in such a small amount of time, and quite frankly, anyone would think we were crazy for saying so — but I swear I fell in love with him in the first few days I spent with him. 

“You alright, Dani?” Ashton asked, making everyone’s eyes turn to me as I looked up.

“Uh, yeah I’m fine” I lied.

“Are you lying?” Michael asked, “Yes” I replied softly.

“I don’t know,” I sighed. “I’m sorry I keep on dampening the mood all the time but it’s just hard, I miss him. And it’s kind of hard not to think about when I’ve got 3 couples around me all the time. I’m not saying I don’t want to be around you guys or anything, because I do, and like you’re all adorable as heck — but I don’t know, I just… I miss him.” I rambled.

Michael opened his mouth to speak, but before he could get any words out the waiter appeared again, to take our orders for our meals this time.

I realised I hadn’t taken any time to actually look at the menu, and of course — I could just get the ‘usual’, but that’s a kids meal. I’m not 11 anymore.

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