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Hey guys :) sorry for the long wait, i've been pretty busy in terms of packing and everything. I'm moving from Sydney to Melbourne within the next 9 days, and we've been frantically packing and running around. So updates are taking a bit longer, and I apologise for that. When I'm in the car on the trip to Melbourne and at the hotel, I swear I'll be focusing on some updates. When we have settled into our house at Melbourne and everything starts going back to normal, I promise that updating will be less irregular.
I'm aware this isn't the best chapter ever, but I hope it's good enough to satisfy you all :) I hope you enjoy it, and thank you all so much for 1k+ reads already, and all the lovely comments :) You guys are the best :)
love you all 
- ash


My stomach twisted.

My eyes became wide.

My mouth agape.

My throat dry.

Calum’s words continuing to run through my mind, over, and over, and over again.

This was Luke? This jerk? This flirt who had given me a love bite? Claimed I was his? This controlling bastard? Fuck my life. Once again, I had gotten my hopes up so high, thinking maybe I could have something with this guy. But he was a complete dick, and that was definitely not going to happen.

Luke looked slightly startled too, but only for a few seconds, before that disgustingly contagious smirk reappeared on his unfortunately attractive face.

“So this, is Daniella?” Luke stated, sounding almost like a question.

“And, that’s Luke.” I spoke aloud, hoping that hearing out loud would help me comprehend it easier.

“Pretty much!” Calum smiled. “So Dani, I see you’ve had a little fun already” Cal winked, eying the hickey Luke had left behind. I slyly watched a smirk appear once again on Luke’s face from the corner of my eye.

“I guess” I blushed, as Calum walked away, leaving me behind, unfortunately with Luke.

“So babe, whether you like it or not now, you’re going have to see me again, probably a lot if you’re hanging out with my bandmates” he winked.

“Unfortunately” I muttered. “That wasn’t nice” he breathed, moving closer.

“Luke-” I began, before he softly kissed the newly formed hickey, licking it, leaving a tingling sensation, before blowing soft, cool air on it, running chills down my spine. A hitched breath released itself from my mouth, before a mild moan left my mouth. I bit down on my lip, looking down.

“I like the effect I have on you, darling” he smirked.

“Luke, please stop” I stood my ground.

“Stop what babe?” he asked, sarcastically.

“Stop acting like I belong to you, because I don’t. Maybe I would want to if you didn’t make such a cocky, and jerkish first impression.” I spat.

“So what you’re implying is, you would like to go on a date with me, I just have to keep my cockiness on the down low. Alright, cool. I’ll get Ash to text me your address and I’ll pick you up tomorrow night, wear something sexy.” he replied sneakily, before prancing off.

What the fuck just happened?

Is he fucking serious?

I sighed, shaking my head before grabbing another drink. 

Suddenly a few girls I had seen around at school walked up to me.

“Hey” one of them with dark brown hair smiled.

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