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Hey guys! Sorry it’s short but it needed to be in order to start up the drama ;---)
**dedicated to @Sheeri0h bc all of her fan fictions are amazing so check them out**

So, I won’t start writing it for a while however, I’ve got a new fan fiction planned out from practically start to finish in my mind, and I was wondering who you guys would like it to be about? Michael, Ashton, or Calum.
As soon as I’ve decided who I’ll be writing it about; I’ll be working on the epilogue and the trailer. I’ll get those up as soon as I’m finished; however I probably will not start actually writing it until Next year, or earlier, depends on a lot of things.
Anyway, chuck my instagram a follow (@lavenderlucas) if you like,
on the side in the multi media is one of my covers (of check yes juliet), feel free to watch and subscribe :-)
Love you all & enjoy this chapter! xo

“mmm, well aren’t you something to admire” he bit his lip, winking.

“U-Uh who are y-you?” I stuttered, already making me look weak.

“Aw baby, I make you nervous, do I?” he chuckled deeply, making me cringe.

“Dans, who’s at the door babe?” Luke’s voice called,

“So you’re the Daniella? Mmm, well I must admit, Luke chose well” he laughed.

Suddenly he literally just walked straight past me, brushing my shoulder no doubt on purpose, and walking to where I’m assuming Luke was situated.

I shivered as the cold wind from outside practically slapped me. I hesitantly shut the door, before walking out to the main room.

“Jason! My man!” Luke’s excited voice echoed throughout the room, smiling widely showing his pearly white teeth as he bro hugged Jason.

“Luke bud!” Jason mocked,

“So I take it you’ve met my beautiful girl?” Luke smiled,

“Yes, I have” Jason replied; smugly smirking in my direction, making my insides twist.

“How long will you be in town for?!” Luke asked,

“As long as needed” Jason smirked, glancing in my direction slyly.

I had no idea what to think of this situation, but I wasn’t liking it.

“Do you have a place to stay mate?” Luke asked him,

“Actually, no” Jason replied, like he had this whole fucking scene planned out before he even stepped foot in the fucking building.

“You can stay here if you want mate! Put your shit in the spare bedroom if you have any. We were just watching Peter Pan, join us if you want to” Luke offered,

“That would be great, thanks Luke. I haven’t been here in ages... I forget where the spare room is” Jason chuckled, scratching his neck.

“Dans, do you mind showing Jason to the spare bedroom? I have to piss” Luke laughed.

I just nodded, too weak to speak.

I began walking at a fast pace to the spare bedroom, Jason following behind.

“Slow down sweetheart” he made me absolutely fucking sick.

I stayed silent as I lead him into the room, unaware he shut the door behind us until he was hovering over me, smirking.

“Get the fuck off me,” I spat.

“Awww baby don’t be like that, c’mon let’s have some funnnn” he sung,

“Fuck off, get off me, now!” I repeated,

There was a burning sensation on my left cheek.

My hand automatically raised to touch my cheek.

He had slapped me.

He had fucking slapped me,

and it had hurt like a motherfucking bitch.

I pushed him off me, taking him by surprise, before jolting the door open and practically sprint walking to where Luke was in the kitchen pouring drinks.

“Shit Dans, what the fuck happened to your face?!” he yelped,

“Why don’t-” I began before getting cut off,

“She was walking me to the spare bedroom, and she tripped over and hit her face on the wall! A clumsy one you’ve got there Luke” Jason laughed.

Before I could say anything or deny Jason’s theory, Luke started talking.

“Babe you idiot! Are you okay?!” he laughed, pulling me in for a hug kissing my cheek over and over, Jason smirking at me from behind Luke.

Well, fuck.

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