thirty seven

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// daniella

I hurriedly unbuttoned his shirt, kissing his neck as I did so. Soon enough I had pulled his shirt off in a swift movement, tossing it to the corner of the room. I grabbed his face in my hands and roughly kissed him.

I bit his lip softly, and he groaned before pulling away. He quickly lifted my shirt over my head, throwing it onto the floor, before reconnecting our lips.

When I had kissed him outside the restaurant, things had gotten heated pretty quickly and I had suggested that we should go back to his place. 

He asked me “Are you sure?”, but I knew he was equally eager due to the sudden tightening of his pants.

I nodded, and soon enough we were in his car and his hand kept rising up my leg throughout the short trip. And now, here we were.

It felt so wrong, that it felt right. I wasn’t sure where all this was coming from, or if I was doing the right thing. I didn’t know why I had let Ashton’s words get to me. Kissing the first guy I saw? I knew deep down that wasn’t what Ashton was intending on me doing. None of them would want me to date anyone but Luke, and I was stupid to think they did. What was I doing? 

“What’s wrong?” Daniel questioned, breathing heavily.

I had gotten so caught up in all of my thoughts that I had forgotten that we were kissing. 

The scene seemed so familiar, and it brought back a memory. One of the first I had ever made with Luke.

“Why’d you stop?” he asked so quietly I was pretty startled I heard after all.

It was if his whole world had come crashing down, Goddammit I didn’t mean for this to happen.

“Sorry, I was thinking. I can’t multi-task” I said softly and apologetically.

“You sure you weren’t having second thoughts of being here? The house of the guy with the ‘bad reputation’?” his hurt turned into anger and I could automatically see why he had a bad reputation. He had a bad temper and he would go crazy over tiny things, having nobody to calm him down or restrain him, hold him back.

“Luke, calm down. I’m not talking to you until you do.” I said softly and calmly. Any other girl witnessing him in such a vulnerable state probably would’ve ran out the door in an instant, leaving Luke in his own state and messy mind.

He looked to me shocked for a few seconds but the anger and redness of his face weren’t budging.

He moved away from me and raised his arm, looking as if he was about to punch the wall. Taking a giant risk, I stood straight between him and the wall. I grabbed his raised arm with both my hands, rubbing my right thumb against his wrist. 

“Calm down Luke, It’s okay.” I soothed.

“Luke, calm down” I whispered.

Suddenly, realization seemed to hit him like a thousand bricks. He looked down to me with shock.

“Daniella, I’m so sorry” he whispered, his voice hoarse and a centimeter away from breaking into a million pieces.

I stopped reminiscing when I felt Daniel’s fingers brush my upper back, starting to fiddle with the back of my bra — which caused me to shiver.

This wasn’t right. I shouldn’t be doing this, Luke had been on my mind every second I had spent with Daniel. I shivered every time Daniel explored a new part of my body, I flinched slightly ever time his lips touched mine. I had tried to push it away this whole time, but it just wouldn’t stop. 

It was then that I realised, there was no one else for me but Luke Robert Hemmings.

I fucking love him, and I wasn’t going to let anyone come in the way of that. Sure, Daniel was cute, but he would never amount to Luke. Luke was gentle, kind, soothing, whereas Daniel was rough, and fast paced, and I didn’t like that.

I’m never going to get used to being in the arms of anyone but Luke, therefore there’s no point in trying. No matter what I do, I’m always going to be caught up in those captivating blue eyes that send me insane yet keep me sane all at fucking once. I love Luke, and there’s no way around that.

“I’m sorry, I-I can’t do t-this” I stuttered, picking my shirt off of the floor.

“What?” Daniel asked, furrowing his brows. I felt horrible. I had lead this poor guy on, and that wasn’t fair at all.

“I’m so sorry, but I, I’m in love with someone else. And I thought that maybe exploring things with someone else might change that, but it doesn’t at all. He hasn’t left my mind this entire time and I can’t, I just I can’t do this to him. I’m sorry, you’re wonderful and I hope you find a great girl some day. I’m sorry.” I rambled.

“I uh, it’s okay. I should’ve realised. I hope you get him back.” he smiled, and I nodded taking one last glance at him before I left the room.


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