please read :-)

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hellooooo guys :-)
Apologies if you thought this would be a chapter!

I'm not sure whether or not you guys read my author's notes at the start of each chapter haha? 
But anyways, if you read the author's note in my last chapter (14), you would know that I'm going to be starting a new fan fic soon.
I've got the story planned from start to finish in my head, but I was wondering who you guys would like to read about. Michael, Calum, or Ashton.
Please comment who you would like it to be about :-)
I'll update as soon as I've decided I will write about :-)

love you all, thanks again for your suppourt. Hopefully will be updating within the next 3-4 days. 

I'm about 30 subscribers away from 100 subscribers on my youtube channel where i post covers. There's another cover on the side and the link to my youtube is in the external link :-)
getting 2k on my instagram (@lavenderlucas) by christmas would be quite rad also. :-) ily guys. xxx

love ash xxx

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