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Soooo, 117 comments later, I found myself a girl for Ashton :-)
I read through all your comments, and you're all so lovely and I wish I could combine all your names into one and make you all Ashton's girlfriend. I wasn't expecting that many entries, I guess I could say.
Thank you all for spending your time on answering the questions. I read them all. :-) I love you all! Please don't be dissapointed if you didn't get to be Ashton's girlfriend. I'll be needed more characters soon.
Still more drama to come. ;-)
(( dedicated to ashton's girlfriend :-) ))

I sighed, as I heaved myself out of bed and into the bathroom.

This was the first day I had woken up without Luke beside me, or at least in the same house as me, in who knows how many days.

It was hard enough getting to sleep.

I only had about a 3 hours sleep; the clock read around 6am when I finally felt my eyelids becoming heavy and it was 10 past 9 now.

One night was hard enough, I can’t imagine what it’d ever be like for Luke to leave me completely, and tell me it was over. 

I splashed my face with cold water, shivering as it woke me up completely. I trudged out of the spare room, down the stairs and into Alex’s kitchen where everyone was seated and eating breakfast; except for Ashton.

“Morning Dans” everyone called individually,

“Morning” I mumbled, beginning to make myself a cup of tea. 

“How are you feeling babe?” Alex asked quietly, standing next to me,

“No better than I was feeling last night. I just... I don’t even know what to think, or feel you know? I mean, the fact that Luke would take someone else’s side over mine, why would I even lie to him in the first place?” I rambled.

“Yeah, I get where you’re coming from. Cal and Mike said they’ll go over after breakfast to get your things. Did you want to go with?” she asked,

“Uh, yeah.. I probably will. Maybe it’s worth another shot, talking to Luke.” I thought,

“Yeah. You never know. Maybe there’s something we can do, to uh, prove it to him, you know?” she offered,

“I like where you’re going with that, let’s talk to the boys about it?” I replied.


In mid discussion, Ashton walked through the door with an unfamiliar girl.

She was gorgeous. Wow. 

She was wearing ripped black skinny jeans and an all time low shirt. She had white low top converse on. 

“Ash, who’s this?” Calum smiled,

“Guys this is Gabriella, but you can call her Ella. You guys know my mums friend, Kate right? Ella is her daughter, and I’ve been teaching her how to play the drums recently. We’re kind of going out tonight” he explained, and in an instance his cheeks became red as a tomato, as Ella bit her lip, giggling, her small but still noticeable dimples peaking, before she covered her face with her hands.

“AWWWWWWWWW” we all cooed,

“ELLA AND ASH SITTING IN A TREE, K-I-S-S-I-N-G. FIRST COMES LOV-” Calum began chanting, before Ashton cut him off with a “Shut up Calum!”, blushing.

We all fell into laughter for a good 5 minutes before it all eventually died down.

Ella had sat herself in between my self and Ashton.

From what I had seen so far, she was a lovely girl who was going to fit in well with us.


“Okay so. It will be Calum, Dans and Mike. I will wait in the car down the road. Dans you’ll take the camera, hide it in your bag, and then when you get into the bedroom, hide it on top of the draws or something. Send us a text saying you’ve got the camera working, and then we’ll come and stall Luke at the front door and we’ll pray that Jason takes the bate. We’ll wait a couple minutes, and then we’ll walk Luke into the room so he can see for himself, or we’ll simply show him the footage. Got it?” Ashton explained.

We all nodded, gulping. 

I looked at Luke’s apartment, blinking a couple times to make sure this was actually, real.

I pulled the hem of my shirt down, fiddling with my sleeves.

I finally worked up the courage; and began walking towards the front door. I let myself in, with the spare key. 

I couldn’t hear even the slightest noise, so I assumed no one was home. I’ll just set up the camera and text the boys, we might have to wait a while.

I walked the familiar way to the bedroom I had slept in with Luke, far too many times. Bringing back memories of the first time I was here.

The first time Luke opened up to me.

The time I realized Luke wasn’t what he seemed, not one bit.

I sighed, before grabbing the camera out of my back pack and placing it on the cabinet in the corner of the room. I began fiddling with the buttons to turn on the camera, before I could press the final button,

a husky, deep voice appeared from right behind me.

“And what do you think you’re doing, Daniella?” 

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