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When I told you it wasn't the end, I wasn't lying. 



Scrunching my nose up and squeezing my eyes shut, I rolled over to my left side as an unexpected bright light hit my eyes. Pulling the polyester covers over my eyes, I was startled by a small voice.


"Mummy", they mumbled for the second time. 

Slowly pulling the covers off my face, I prepared for the brightness as I opened my eyes and was met with a little girl. Not just any little girl, but mine. Her light brown hair disheveled across her face, her deep blue eyes glassy and her small bottom lip in between her two front teeth. 

"Yes, baby?" I whispered quietly, trying not to wake the person in bed beside me snoring like no tomorrow. I opened my arms widely to which she climbed into, snuggling her little head into my neck. Rubbing her back and gently pushing her hair out of her eyes, I moved back slightly so I could see her face and I watched a single tear fall down her flushed cheek. 

"I don't feel well mummy." she whimpered, as another tear escaped her precious eye. I grabbed her cheeks softly, using my thumbs to wipe away the wetness from her tears. 

"What doesn't feel well sweetie?" I prodded, brushing my fingertips through her hair. 

"My tummy... my tummy feels like..." she murmured, before coming out with a pretend gag noise, making us both giggle ever so slightly. 

"That's no good Dee, do you think you might need to do a..." I began, followed by mimicking her gag noise. She didn't like the word 'vomit' so instead, we would use the sound to talk about it. 

Before either of us could say much else, she gazed at me with her eyes widening fast, and the fake gag noise we just laughed about was fake no longer. She vomited all over herself and began to cry. 

"What was that?" a sleepy voice asked, his body shifting around to view us both. Opening his eyes, he sat up abruptly and jumped out of bed, coming around to my side. 

"It's okay baby, let's go put you in the shower okay." he proposed in a soothing voice as he scooped her out of my arms. I hopped up afterwards, trailing them into the bathroom and twisting the shower tap. As I held my hand underneath the running water, waiting for the temperature to warm up, I watched with a soft smile on my face as my husband helped my four and 'a half' year old daughter out of her vomit soaked frozen pyjamas while singing her favourite song. He gave her a kiss on the forehead as he helped her into the shower following my nod to let him know the temperature was okay. 

I shut the shower door behind her, turning to Luke, "Thank you" I mouthed. He nodded, pecking my lips softly. I picked up the dirty clothes walking towards the laundry, stopping as he caught my shoulder with his hand.

"I'll do that" he said, taking the clothes and leaving the room.

"Let it go... let it go..." my little girl sung softly under the water as I walked down the hallway to the linen closet, grabbing her lilac towel embroidered with her first name. Opening the shower door, I reached over her to turn off the water just before she leapt into the towel. 

"My goodness me Dee baby, be careful" I giggled, patting her tiny body dry. Luke walked in with the hair dryer, plugging it into the powerpoint and turning it on. He directed it at her now knotty, wet hair and I wrapped the towel around her. I opened the cupboard underneath the basin, grabbing her unicorn hair brush and her 'magic' spray. It was homemade detangling spray from her aunty Alex. Last year, Alex established her own natural cosmetics business and she is absolutely obsessed with spoiling her little 'DeeDee'. Every time Dee visits her aunty, she comes home with a 'magic' lip balm of some kind. 

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