Thor x Reader

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Inside Info: Imagine you are Steve Rogers' long lost sister. Did I also mention you have fallen in love with the amazing Thor Odinson?

Up next: Steve Rogers x Reader Part 3

Later: Harry Osborn x Reader

   Y/N'S POV

  Who better to be than the sister of Steve Rogers. Yes, THE Steve Rogers. Technically, Steve and I were about the same age. My brother and I were the first test subjects of Dr. Erskine's Super-Soldier Serum. I did have to disguise myself in order to participate in the war and to be given the Super-Soldier Serum. However, I wasn't on the plane that Steve and Bucky tried to get on, but I did have to live so many years without my brother and Bucky. However, I was absent from his life for a long time, because I wasn't aware that he was even alive until Fury approached me one day.

  Currently, in Stark Tower, I chose to spend my time messing with Tony.

  He was fixing one of his suits, and I yelled,"ANTHONY?!!"

  Tony jumped and fell off his stool.

  I giggled and said,"Why are you sitting on a stool? Are you too short for a chair?"

  Tony rolled his eyes and asked me,"Y/N, do you not have something better to do with yourself?"

  I shook my head and said,"No, I really enjoy doing this sort of thing every day. It brings me joy."

  Tony scoffed and said,"Well, it does not do the same for me. Maybe you could keep it down some."

  I nodded and said,"Okay. STEVIE!!!"

  Steve ran down the stairs and said,"What? Are you hurt? What is going on? Stark, did you touch my sister?"

  I said,"No, Steve. I was wondering if you could introduce me to Sharon. I want to meet her."

  Steve blushed, and I pinched his cheeks. He swatted my hands away, before he turned and I followed him to the elevator. I got on after him.
  The elevator came to a stop at the top floor of Stark Tower, and when the doors opened, I was met by a beautiful woman. This woman had to be Sharon, given the way Steve was looking at her.

  I smiled and said,"Nice to meet you, Sharon. I am Y/N, Steve's sister."

  Sharon smiled back and said,"Nice to meet you, Y/N. I had no idea Steve had relatives."

  I chuckled and said,"Well, he does. I need Steve back by 12, so he can help me go to sleep. Yeah?"

  Steve gave me a look, while I said,"What? You know I cannot go to sleep by myself, especially if I am alone. Please, Rogers?"

  Steve sighed and nodded saying,"All right, I will be back by 11:30. Do not get into any trouble while I am gone."

  I nodded and gave him a kiss saying,"Bye, brother. Love you."

  Steve kissed my forehead and said,"Love you too, Y/N. Bye."

  I waved them off, before I laid down across the sofa. Someone appeared before me, and it was Loki.
  The smart outcast was very attractive to me, but we were just best friends. I'd like to keep it that way.

  I gave him a smile and said,"Loki, what are you doing here? Are you not supposed to be in Asgard?"

  Loki rolled his eyes and said,"I do what I want, mortal. Odin does not own me. Princess, what are you doing?"

  I smiled at his nickname for me, but I sighed saying,"Bored out of my mind. Is Thor with you?"

  Loki smirked and said,"You love him, don't you?"

  I let out a cough and avoided trying to make eye contact with Loki.

  Loki chuckled and said,"Ah, the mortal loves the Asgardian prince."

  I playfully hit his shoulder and said,"Thor would never love me, because...He just won't, Loki."

  Loki lifted my chin and said,"Y/N, you are the most beautiful mortal I have ever met. My brother cares for more than your appearance. If he says that he is not impressed by your appearance, then he is lying to you."

  I smiled and nodded to Loki, before he said,"I am sorry, Y/N, but I am needed elsewhere."

  I nodded and Loki kissed my hand, before he disappeared. Thor entered the room, and I had a mini heart attack.

  He chuckled deeply and said,"Lady Y/N, I am truly sorry for scaring you. I wanted to ask you something."
  I nearly screamed in my head, but I smiled on the outside and said,"Sure, Thor. What is it?"

  Thor took my hands and nervously asked me,"Would you wish to go with me to Asgard?"

  I squealed and said,"THOR, I WOULD LOVE TO!!"

  Thor smiled, before he kissed me. I was surprised, but I returned the kiss. It was rough but gentle at the same time.

  When I pulled away, I said,"I love you, Thor."

  Thor said,"I love you, too, Lady Y/N. Thank you for agreeing to go to Asgard with me. Asgard is full of many things I would like for you to see."

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