Wade Wilson x Reader

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Up next: Tony Stark x Daughter Reader

Later: Bruce Banner x Reader

   Y/N'S POV

  I fixed Wade's arms and said,"That's not how you hold him, Wade. You hold him like this."

  After I fixed Wade's arms, he said,"Okay, Y/N. I'm still learning. You don't have to be so mean."

  I just shook my head and replied,"I'm sorry, Wade. I guess I just get scared something's going to happen."

  Wade looked down at our baby boy, Jackson, and said,"Y/N, nothing's going to happen to him or you. I'll protect both of you. He's going to be just like me."

  I grunted and laughed saying,"I hope not. That means he's going to be a handful, just like his father."

  Wade smiled at me and said,"Aww, Y/N, that's the nicest thing you've ever said to me, babe. I'm flattered, honestly."

  I playfully rolled my eyes at him and headed to the kitchen. I grabbed a snack for myself and Wade, before I sat down beside Wade.

  Wade looked over at me and said,"Didn't you just eat like five minutes ago?"

  I replied,"Let me eat, Wilson. Let me eat. It takes a lot of food to fill my stomach. Don't judge me."

  Wade placed Jackson in my arms and rubbed my shoulder.

  I asked him,"Honey, what are you doing?"

  Wade said,"You looked sad. Is everything okay, Y/N?"

  I glanced down at Jackson saying,"No, ever since we lost...um...our other child, I guess I've just been feeling depressed lately. I love that Jackson made it, but I feel responsible for what happened to our baby girl."

  Wade stroked my cheek saying,"Y/N, don't let this keep weighing you down every day. Jackson's here, and he's all right. I really am sorry that our daughter didn't make it, but you shouldn't keep dwelling on it all the time. It'll make you more sad, and you are not a sad woman."

  Wade a face at me, and I giggled in response.

  Wade smiled at me and fixed Jackson's bib saying,"All we can do now is look out for Jackson and make sure he is all right at all times. Don't worry. I will be here whenever you need me here. I want to be a good husband to you."

  I leaned over and gave him a sweet kiss saying,"You are already a good husband. I am glad I married you. Real glad, because you are on pamper duty today."

  Wade groaned and replied,"I hate changing his diaper. Why can't you do it?"

  I gave Wade my best glare, and he immediately straightened up saying,"Oh, I'd love to be on diaper duty. I love it. It's the best part of my day."

  I smiled and replied,"Much better. Hey, who were you talking to earlier? You were having a full on conversation with someone. It sounded a little heated."

  Wade double blinked and said,"Huh? I wasn't talking to anyone earlier."

  I laughed and kissed his cheek saying,"Okay, babe. Sure. Is it that guy that you hate at the gym?"

  Wade made a face and said,"We don't bring him up in this house, Y/N. Ever. He tried to steal you away from me."

  "Well, I'm still here with you and that's our baby boy in my arms, so you won me over. Dinner?"

  Wade said,"Dinner sounds amazing."

  I handed a sleeping Jackson back to Wade, and Wade said,"Does she not see you? What did she mean by "who were you talking to earlier?" I was talking to you."

  Immediately, I took Jackson out of Wade's arms, and Wade said,"What?"

  I sent him my best smile and said,"Nothing, sweetheart, nothing."

  I walked into the kitchen and looked down at a sleeping Jackson saying,"Your father is crazy."

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