Peter Parker x Reader

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Okay, since I have everyone's attention, I wanna ask one question: What has been your favorite adaption of Peter Parker/Spider-Man? For those of you that are wondering, yes Ultimate Spider-Man counts!! I watched it growing up, and I was so sad when it ended. If you have liked all the different adaptions of Spider-Man/Peter Parker, then that answer works, too.  

My answer to this question will always be Tobey Maguire. I just loved what he brought to the character.

Up next: Harry Osborn x Reader

Later: Steve Rogers x Reader

   Y/N'S POV

  When I woke up, I noticed Peter sitting at his desk. He was drawing something, and I stretched. I got up and made my way into the bathroom, before I took a shower and changed into something comfortable.
  I gently closed the door behind me, before I walked up behind Peter. I giggled to myself, before I cautiously moved closer to him. I hit Peter in the back of the head, before he fell out of his chair. I laughed so hard, but Peter tripped me.

  I stopped laughing and noticed Peter getting up. I jumped on his back and tried to take his suit.

  Peter chuckled and smirked saying,"N/N, please stop. I bet you couldn't hold on for 5 seconds without falling off."

  I rolled my eyes and continued to try to take Peter's suit, but I was confused by the rush of wind coming across my body.
  I looked down, and Peter had swung us outside. I instantly yelped and held on to Peter's suit. Peter smirked at me like he won something, but he knew I did not do heights.

  I knew I shouldn't have, but I looked down below us. My breath quickened, and I tightly held on to Peter's shoulders.

  Peter noticed and made me look at him saying,"Relax, I got you, N/N. You will always be safe with me, understand?"

  I nodded and kept my eyes on Peter. I buried my face in his neck and felt tears forming in my eyes. I tried to push them away, but I...I just could not hold them in.

  I let my tears fall, before I sniffed saying,"Pete, I want to go home."

  Peter nodded and kissed my cheek, before he turned the opposite direction and headed back to Aunt May's house.


  As Y/N held on to me, I instantly felt bad. Nice going, Parker. Now, you scared your girlfriend.

  I sighed and kissed her forehead, before we arrived at Aunt May's house.
Once we got there, I carefully put Y/N down and walked us inside.

  Aunt May kissed Y/N's cheek, before she hugged me and said,"It is nice to see you, Peter. How was work?"

  I shrugged and said irritated,"It would be nice if Jameson gave me a fair wage. Other than that, work was the usual."

  I felt a hand in mine, before I looked down and saw Y/N leaning on my shoulder. She smiled up at me, before I smiled back. Aunt May guided us to the couch, and Y/N offered to help Aunt May with the cookies she wanted to bake for us.
  I smiled but noticed someone knocking on the door. Did Aunt May invite someone else? Who else could she possibly want here? Maybe it was none of my business, but I just wanted to protect her. I walked up to the front door, before I opened it and saw Harry Osborn.

  Harry Osborn was my best friend and had always been. We may have had our differences, but Harry and I had always been there for each other. Y/N and Harry did not know each other yet, but it was never to late to meet someone new.

  Harry smiled at me and hit my back saying,"Pete, how have you been? I have not seen you since Flash stuffed you in that locker the other day."

  I gave Harry a look, before he chuckled and innocently said,"What? I wanted to help, but I had to get to class. Dad is still upset that I am failing Chem, but I am Harry Osborn. I am sure I will be fine by the end of the semester."

  I chuckled and said,"All right, Harry. Whatever you say. There is someone I need to introduce you to."

  I guided Harry to the kitchen, before he saw Y/N helping Aunt May.

  He leaned over and whispered to me,"There is no way she is yours. Does she have a sister?"

  I hit Harry's shoulder, before he laughed and made his way over to Y/N.

  Y/N almost bumped into him, before she said,"Oh, I am so so sorry!! Who are you? Peter..."

  I walked over to Y/N and put my hands on her shoulders, reassuring her that everything will be okay.

   Y/N'S POV

  After Peter put his hands on my shoulders, I leaned into his touch and kissed his jaw. Peter blushed, but I just smiled and slowly pulled away.

  I walked over to Harry and smiled warmly at him saying,"I am Y/N. You must be Harry. Peter has told me much about you. Do not worry, I do have a sister."

  Harry looked at me stunned, and I smirked in victory.

  He turned to Peter and chuckled saying,"I like this one, Parker. Do not lose her, she is a keeper."

  Peter walked over to me and held me saying,"I am never letting go of her, no matter how much Y/N would want me to. I love you."

  I melted into Peter's embrace and said,"I love you more, Parker. I love you more."

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