Black Panther x Reader

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Dedicated to syddye.

Up next: Wolverine x Reader

Later: Peter Parker x Reader

   Y/N'S POV

  I am honored to tell you that I was one of the top engineers for Black Panther himself. I did not do much, but it was things that a normal person would be okay with. I did not know how to explain it, because it was complicated.
  I helped keep Wakanda in line. By keeping Wakanda in line, I only meant for it to move forward in the right direction. Right now, I was taking a trip to some base in North America. I was told it was a party made up of some of the world's largest heroes, well-known heroes.

  Once my plane landed, I immediately waited for my ride to get here. As I did, I grew extremely bored. After about an hour of waiting, I really grew irritated, because my ride really should have been here by now.
  I went to just walk, but I felt a gentle hand pull me back. I looked up and saw a familiar face that I know I had seen somewhere before. He had blonde hair, bright blue eyes, and he was about an inch taller than me.

  He held out his hand and smiled at me saying,"Ma'am, it is an honor to meet you. T'Challa wanted me to get you, since he had a meeting to attend to. I am Steve Rogers, but you can call me Steve. I don't mind."

  I shook his hand and sent him a soft smile saying,"I am Y/N. It is an honor to meet you, Captain. T'Challa speaks very highly of you."

  Steve nodded and offered to take my bags, which I was really surprised by. I had never actually had a man offer to take my things, well besides from T'Challa.
  I kissed Steve's cheek in thank you, and he blushed. I giggled and helped him out, before we got inside his truck, and he drove off.

  The ride was awfully quiet, and I wanted to get to know Steve. Sorry, but it was just something I enjoyed doing.

  I cleared my throat and said,"So, Captain America, huh?"

  Steve chuckled and nodded saying,"Yes ma'am. Do you have a question for me?"

  I nodded and faced him saying,"What was it like, when you first came back? I have always wanted to ask you that in person, well because I just want to know."

  Steve laughed but straightened up his posture saying,"It was very strange, but you learn to get back into the world. Things were not as electronic in my days. I am still trying to figure out how to use this phone Stark gave me, or even this watch that Clint bought for me."

  I put my hand over Steve's and smiled over at him saying,"I will gladly be your guide, Captain. But first, I need you to be my guide, since I have no idea where I am going."

  Steve chuckled and grabbed my hand, before he led me inside the building.

  I spotted T'Challa talking to some businessmen, before he paced around saying,"Where could she have gone? I mean, I-"

  I cleared my throat and Steve sent me a wink, before he went back to handle his own problems. T'Challa walked over to me and hugged me, which I was really surprised by.

  I hugged back and smirked saying,"Someone missed me, didn't they?"

  T'Challa immediately pulled away and fixed his jacket, which made me giggle and smile at the same time.
  T'Challa put something in my hand, before he walked out of the room. I looked down, and it was an invitation to a gala later tonight.

  I had plenty of time, so I went home, to where I was temporarily staying, and dressed as nicely as I could. When it came to my personality, I wasn't like the other girls. I preferred jeans over dresses or converse over heels. Putting on a dress, like I was now, was a big deal for anyone around me.

  Once I got done, I decided to go with a nice and traditional black dress. My heels were average height, not too high not too low. It was confusing to me, but I just did not want to fall and embarrass myself.
  I grabbed my purse and keys, before I drove to the gala. Once I got there, I had no idea where to go. Crowds were not my thing, and I definitely did not want to get caught in the wrong one. I went to just turn around, but I felt someone pull me towards the entrance.

  I went to let go of their hand, but it was T'Challa. I let him guide me around.

  Once we stopped, he stared at me for a long time, before he said in shock,"Are you wearing a dress? I must be dreamin' or something. Something is not right here."

  I giggled and blushed in embarrassment saying,"I...I wanted to look nice for a change. It is not often that I get invited to things like this."

  T'Challa held out his hand and sent me a smile saying,"Well, let's change that; together. May I have this dance, Y/N?"

  I could not resist and put my hand in his, before T'Challa led me to the dance floor. He carefully put his hand in mine, while the other rested on my waistline.
  T'Challa began to waltz us around the floor, and I felt butterflies in my stomach. It was foreign to me at first, but now I loved that feeling.

  When T'Challa pulled me close, my breath immediately got caught in my throat.

  He looked at me worried and asked me,"Y/N, are you all right?"

  I nodded and gave T'Challa a smile saying,"I am fine, I just have not felt this way in a long time."

  T'Challa said to me,"You know, I have been meaning to talk to you. After what happened with my father, I thought that maybe life would not be the same. Then, I met you. You have everything a true king would only dream of having at his side, which is why I fell hard for you."

  T'Challa smiled down at me, before he cupped my face.

  I closed my eyes and enjoyed his comfort, before he softly said,"Will you be mine, Y/N? I promise to take good care of you."

  I opened my eyes and nodded, before T'Challa smiled so big and kissed me passionately. I kissed back. Once we pulled away from the kiss, I hugged T'Challa tight. T'Challa placed a kiss on my hand, before he hugged back.

  I smiled, and I had no doubt T'Challa would always keep his promise to me.

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