Chapter 1

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Tamia's P.O.V.

I took the plates from the cabinet and set them out. A sudden cry came from upstairs.

"Baaaabbbe" I called while fixing plates. "I got it" he yelled back and trotted up the stairs.

I finished cooking and started to fix the plates. Trey came down the stairs entering the kitchen with both his arms occupied by the kids.

"We gon have to run by the store before we leave to get some more wipes. We're running low" he said setting them in their highchairs. "Ok. You heard from any of the girls yet" I asked giving him the kids plates. "Yeah they said they were right around the corner" he answered. "Alright" I said finishing up and cleaning my hands.

"You sure you don't need me to feed them" I asked. "Yeah I got it" he said kissing my cheek and sitting at the table. I grabbed our plates and did the same.

I watched as he went back and forth between feeding himself and help feeding the kids since they are 9 months and are at that stage of trying to feed themselves. I smiled. Life couldn't be better.

Let me go back.

"I don't know what to say" I said. "If you love me you would say yes" he said back. "But....Trey.....I..." "You what?"

"I don't love you"

2. 1.

His face completely dropped.

"What?" "I don't love you" I repeated. His lips trembled but no words came out. His eyes became glossy and teats welled up. Everyone else was cheering throwing balloons and confetti shouting for the New Year. I smiled and giggled. I cupped his face and kisses his lips.

"I don't love you because I'm in love with you fool" I cheesed. " does that mean?" "It means yes boy" "Yes as in you'll marry me?" "Yes Tremaine" I giggled.

In one swift movement my face was in his hands and his lips were on mine kissing me with the most passion.

He picked me up in his arms and squeezed me tight as he spun me around.

"I'ma tear that ass up when we get home. Don't do that to me no more. I'm serious. You scared the life out of MD but you just wait" he said in my ear making me bite my lip.

And that's how it went. It's now a year later. We got married in April on the 24th. Why? I don't know just a random date but the wedding was everything I've dreamed of and much much more. It wasn't too big but it definitely wasn't small. We didn't got too extreme but it was extravagant. It was really the best day of my life.

And if you remeber I was pregnant so on August 21st I gave birth. And surprisingly Trey was right. I had twins. A boy and a girl. It was a shock when we found out but we were the happiest.

Tremaine Jr. Or TJ is mommas baby boy. He has a caramel skin tone like mine, black curly hair, hazel eyes, and lips and a nose like Trey. Kailey or Kai but we call her pooh. Her on the other hand was daddy's little girl. You can't separate them. Their inseparable. Their like thing 1 and thing 2. Ying and yang. It's ridiculous. One can't be complete without the other. She has his chocolate skin tone, his deep brown, brown curly hair, his nose of course and my lips. They both have dimples also.

You can't tell me these aren't Trey's kids. Not only do they look exactly alike but they already act alike. It's crazy how they make the same faces he does, sleep the same way, don't like eating the same foods, etc it's crazy. And when Trey is around them it's just like he's one of them. It's like taking care of 3 babies instead of 2 but honestly I wouldn't want any one else to be the fathet. He's an amazing dad. He's always there when I need him or don't even ask for help. He was so scared and nervous during the pregnancy. I don't know why though. He was there through every step. These 2 are his heart and you can't make me not believe that. Anyone can see that. You know a real father when you see one.

Taylor and Keyanna are both 18 and are graduating today. I'm so excited and emotional. My babies have grown up so fast. I was crying all night I couldn't take it. Their leaving me and going to be off to collage soon.

Right now Trey acting all big and tough but as soon as he see them walk that stage them tears gon be coming.

They should be coming soon. After we finish breakfast we will get dressed and head to the convention center where it's held.

The doorbell rang.

"That's them. Go get it please. I'll clean them up and get them dressed" I said taking both of our finished plates and putting them in the sink. "Mkay" he kissed my head before going to the door.

"Come on babies. Let's gets yall ready" I said picking up their messy bodies out their chair. They giggles all the way up the stairs to their room.

I sat them down as I got their clothes together.

I cleaned them up, change them in nice clothes and fixed their hair.

"There all better" I smiled and kissed their cheeks. The giggled showing their only 2 teeth.

"Mama" "Dada" They both kisses my cheek leaving slob.

"My babies. But you gon have start saying mama alright" I said to Kai. "Dada" "We gon work on it" I said leaving out the room.

I came downstairs to Trey, Taylor, Keyanna, Jeramiah, and Jedidiah chatting in a circle. Frisco was now on the couch going to sleep. Lazy self. Surprised he isn't up to play with the kids. He loves the twins and they love hime.

"Hey Mrs.Neverson" they said at the same time. Their twin brothers.

"Hey boys. How you been?" I asked. "Good" they said in unison. "

"Hey momma" Tay said kissing my cheek and taking Kai from my hip. "Hey pooh" she cooed kissing her cheek. "Hey ma" Kee said taking TJ. "Hey man" she said tickling them.

They both were dressed beautifully and the twins were dressed in suites. They looked amazing. My babies

I smiled trying not to cry. You believe how happy they were when they found out I was pregnant with twins.

"We'll watch them while yall get dressed" Tay said.

Trey and I went upstairs and took a quick shower and got dressed.

"Dont cry again beautiful. I don't want you messing up your face" Trey said coming up behind me wrapping his arms around me and kissing my cheek. "Ditto" I said back. "Says the person who was crying all last night" he chuckled. "Whatever. I bet you gon cry today as soon as you see them in that cap and gown and on that stage" I said turning around and fixing his tie.

"Whatever woman" he smiled. "Come on let's go before I lay you down up in this bathroom" he smirked grabbing my butt. "You know I can make you tap out first" I said back. He sucked his teeth. "You know my rule. Mrs always cums first then have her knocked out in the end" he said. "That's not what happened 3 nights ago" I said walking away. "Ok. You caught me off guard that night. I...I was.." "Mhm.Excuses excuses" I said. "That was a one time thing. Thank you" he said. "Oh really I could have sworn maybe like 2 weeks I had you-" "Ok ok ok. Fine. I'll admit. You my lip freak" he said pulling me to him and kissing my lips. "That's right" I said kissing him again.

"Let's go before we be late" I said pulling away. "After you Mrs." He said opening the door. "Thank you Mr."

He smack my ass as he closed the door .

Yup. That's my husband for ya.


Hope you enjoy the 1st chapter of the final book. The twins are in the MM.

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