Chapter 3

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Trey's P.O.V.

I was off catching lunch for Tamia and since she was so busy she couldn't get off to get it herself but I dont. I have a pretty laid back day. I had the twins with me also and Frisco. These three right here is what you call a handful.

I went inside Jason's Deli.

"Welcome to Jason's Deli. Are you here to order or for pick up?" The blonde lady asked. "Pick up" "Name" "Tremaine Neverson" I said.

She searched through the bags till she found my name.

"One Plain Jane and Bacon Chicken club with a side of chips and a salade?" "Yes maam"

She gave me the price and paid. She handed me the bad and I place it at the time of the stroller where there was room to hold it.

"Thank you. Have a good day" "You too" I said as I turned and headed for the.

One of the twins began to whine. I looked down to see what was wrong as I reached for the door.

"I got it" A woman said behind me opening the door for me as I picked up Kailey's pacifier to clean it off.

"Thank you" I said as I walked out the door.

"Wait. Tremaine" She grabbed the back of my sweatshirt. I thought it was just a fan but usually fans don't call me by my real name.

When I turned around i would have never guessed but I completely regretted it.

"Vanessa" It completely shocked me that it was really her. She still looked the same besides her hair being blonde. She was still fine as ever bit fuck all that I'll never forget what she did to me and how much she hurt me.

She smiled. "Hey" I grimaced. "Goodbye" I said turning around to leave. "No. Wait. Please" She stood in front of me blocking me from moving forward.

"Please move. I have to leave" I said sternly. "Please Trey just give me a few minutes. Just hear me out" she begged. "Why should I? I gave you years. All my time but you see where that lead to don't you" I said eyeing her. She rolled her eyes.

"Trey I'm sorry ok. I know what I did was wrong. I see that now. I'm sorry. I've regretted what I did ever since that night-"

I cut her off

"But you came back a few days later. Snuck in my house and fucked another nigga in my daughters bed and you still expect me to forgive you" i spat

"I know. That was the stupidiest and most dispicable thing ive ever done and I'm so sorry. I never thought about how much it would hurt you but I figured that out and I hurt myself. I felt so bad. I was planning on coming back to you but I knew you wouldn't let me after you wouldn't answer my calls or text me back. I even came to your house but you weren't there. Trey I know you really don't wanna listen to me right now but I really am sorry. I realise what I have done and how I was living my life and I didn't want that. So I moved out here. I started over and changed my ways. Please Trey. You have to understand I'm truly sorry and if I could take it all back I would. I would love for us to start talking again-"

I cut her off again.

"I'm married" I stated flatly. She sighed. "I know. To Tamia" She looked down at the twins. "You two have beautiful kids by the way. Twins. What's their names?" She asked. "Kailey and Tremaine Jr" I answered. "I guess you got what you want huh. A son with your name. Their cute and precious. They look just like you" she smiled reaching down to touch them. I pulled the stroller back.

"Yes I did. Thank you but don't touch my kids" I said. Frisco stalked in front of the stroller and growled.

She sighed.

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