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He pulls away immediately, his eyes wide. "Harry, I-"

I shake my head, and rest my head on his shoulder. "I'm sorry, Niall. I shouldn't have kissed-"

Niall ruffles my hair, and takes another sip of his beer. "S'alright, mate. No harm done."

I don't have feelings for Niall. In fact, its hard to even see anyone when all I can think about is Louis. But it wouldn't hurt to just see where this goes, right? I sigh, and press a soft kiss to Niall's neck. He tenses, but doesn't push me away. I take that as a queue to keep going. I suck gently above his collarbone, and run my tongue up the vein in his neck. He relaxes, and wraps his arm around me. He tilts his head back for me to get better access, and his eyelids flutter closed. I rub his chest through his shirt, and he tosses his head back as I run my fingers over his nipples.

"Harry," he moans, and I glance down at his crotch, and see that, sure enough, he's got a bulge. I blush, but continue suckling on his neck and rubbing up and down his stomach. Just as my hand strays down to his crotch, he pulls away. "Harry, wait. We-we can't."

I pull away completely, a hurt expression on my face. "Why? D-don't you want me?"

Niall scoffs. "Harry, isn't it obvious? Of course I want you. Fuck, I've wanted you for so long. But we can't. Because I know you're only kissing me because you feel unloved, and I know that you only have eyes for Louis. Us being together would fuck that up, and I know you don't want that. I don't want that either."

I sigh, and nod. "Sorry, Ni. I suppose I got carried away." I nuzzle my head into his neck, and close my eyes. "Love you."

pics ; larry #Wattys2015 [completed] (editing because yikes)Where stories live. Discover now