Prussia x Reader (Short)

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Requested by: @Clare_Bear__


I sighed as I laid on the couch. Being bored wast something I was used to. Somehow, I would always be able to get someone's attention and talk their head off, but I was alone in the living room.

Gilbert was taking a bath, so I just had to wait for him to get out. The problem was him taking SO freaking long. I mean, I know I take a while, but this is outrageous. It's been more than a hour and I can feel myself age by the minute.

Giving up on waiting for him, I crawled upstairs to his bathroom. I opened the bathroom door and quietly crawled over to the tub. I grasped the edge of the tub and popped my head up to see Gilbert sleeping.

'After all this time he was sleeping?' I thought to myself while puffing my cheeks up with air. Since he was sleeping, I decided that the only thing I could do is entertain myself. I crawled back out of the bathroom, making sure to close the door quietly.

Just giving him a few more minutes were totally out of my thoughts. If he was going to enjoy himself, I will to. I waddled over to to his bedroom and opened his closet. Giggling, I grabbed his favorite shirt and hurriedly put it on. The shirt was twice as big as a normal t-shirt I would wear. Since I was wearing shorts, it looked like I was just wearing his shirt.

I looked over at the mirror on the wall and twirled around. Just as I was twirling around like an idiot, I spotted Gilbert's who was standing at the door. I stopped my spinning and started a staring contest. We just stood there, not saying anything for a while. All he was wearing a towel, which kind of made it even more awkward. He cleared his throat.

"Uh, so vat are you doing?" He asked as he walked over, only a few feet away from me now.

"Well, you were taking a nap and I got bored." I said poking his cheek.

"So you decided that you should look through my things?" He grabbed my with his index finger and thumb, lifting my face up to meet him eye to eye. "Vithout my permission?" I gave him a cheeky grin and grabbed the end of the his towel before running out of the bedroom with it still in my hands.

"Hey!" He was about to run after me, but after he realized that I took his towel he stopped.

With the towel in my hands, I hid behind the couch. After putting some pants on, Gilbert ran downstairs and started looking around the room.

I tried to subdue my laughter, but it was in vain. Soon a shadow engulfed me. I looked up to see a peeved off Gilbert. My laughter stopped, a purple aura surrounded the room as we again stared at each other.



"You're just like Ivan!"

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