China x Reader (short)

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Today was probably the best day ever. How, you may ask? Well, Yao just gave me a boxed lunch that he made. And everybody knows that his food is dope as frick.

~~~(flash back poop)~~~

I closed my school locker and started walking to the cafeteria for lunch. Class was still in session and yes I got out because I made the excuse that I had to use the restroom.

On the menu was pizza and hamburgers like usual. It was pretty much those two every day of the school year. Don't get me wrong, that stuff is bae, but it gets annoying that we have it everyday.

Probably halfway to the cafeteria, the bell rang. Class doors sprung open and people started littering the hallway. If I didn't get there fast, I wouldn't get shit. Therefore, I started moving my legs a bit faster.

"Hey, (f/n), stop walking so fast! I can't keep up!" In an instant, I turned around to see Yao trying to catch up. The people in the way didn't really help, with them rushing in the same direction and pushing him around. Since he was a little shorter than most of the guys, it was easy to get pushed in the back. Though short, he was still taller than me.

I decide to walk to the wall of the hallway, so I wouldn't be in the way of the other people. It took a minute or two, but he finally caught up. I notice that he was hiding something behind his back, but I didn't want to point it out. For niceness sake, of course.

"What's up?" I asked, taking another glance on whatever he was trying to hide. Hopefully he didn't notice though. He gulped and looked around before looking at me again.

"Well, I heard that you are getting a little bored of the food here." He took what was behind his back. It was a red box with a golden yellow ribbon. I grabbed the box and opened it, to see that there was a varieties of food.

I looked back up at Yao with a smile. "This is really for me? It looks delicious, thank you."

"Y-yes! I hope you like it. In return, umm, could I receive a k-k-kiss?" I let out a small laugh.With my free hand, I wrapped my arm around his neck and giving him a peck on the lips. I pulled away, both our faces bright red.

"Is that good?" He gave a quick nod, wanting to make sure that I knew that he was happy. "So, do you want to share the food with me?"

"No, I'll just watch you."

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