America x Tsundere!Reader

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Requested by: Pingas030


"Why not?!" I looked over at Alfred, me feeling more annoyed than ever.

"Because you'll cry and ask yo sleep with me tonight, so no!"

Alfred's been begging me to watch this scary movie with him. Since I know how he is with that kind of stuff, of course I said no.

"Pleaaaaase? Just one movie and then we can't o whatever you want to do!" I thought about it for a while, trying to think of what might happen if I said yes. What would we even so when it's my turn?

"Fine!" I said after thinking it through. "But if you're lying and start crying anyway, I'll be mad at you. For like, ever!"

"Yes!, I won't!" He jumped off the couch and started the movie.


After a couple of hours later, we finished the movie. The only thing that was scary was how much Alfred spent for the movie.

I looked over at Alfred, him clutching the couch pillow. Just like a kid holding his teddy bear when he's scared that the monster in the closet would come out any moment.

"So, Alfred, you weren't scared of that sucky movie, were you?" Smirking, I watched him throw the pillow on the ground, trying to put out a tough guy act.

"Nope, were you? 'Cause I wasn't scared in the slightest!" Giving me a cheesy smile, he was trying to hid the fact that he actually was scared of the movie.

"oh, yeah, I believe you." Sarcasm was practically pouring out of a mouth like a waterfall.

After teasin him for getting scared over the movie, I finally decided what I wanted to do.

"Hey Alfred? I think I know what I want to do."


"(Y/n), this isn't funny!"

I looked out of my house curtain with a smirk. Alfred was outside in the rain butt naked with a sign saying 'I love dick' Of course, everyone was starin, some laughing.

I locked my front door and closed the curtain. He said that we could do anything thing I want. So this was the result.

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