Iceland x Reader (short)

763 25 8

Entry #1

It's been an hour. A hour since IT happened. I don't know if anybody's safe.

Entry #15

We finally have it. If everything goes to plan, this conflict will be resolved today.


I clutched the bag into my chest as if I'll die without it. Well, I probably will. Knocking on the wall, I leaned over to look into the living room.


There he was, standing in front of me and his back facing me. He turned around, a angry expression on his face.

"What?!" I held out the bag for him to see.

"I got it." He looked at the package. The words saying 'Licorice'. Just by reading those words, his face lit up like a Christmas tree. If this was an anime, there would be little hearts in his eyes.

"Thank you!" He snatched up the bag, opening the bag of candy. I sighed in relief, knowing that this whole scene was over.

"Your welcome, Emil."

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