Hong Kong x reader

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I looked at the calendar, it was the day that Leon was supposed to be coming home, but nope. It was already close to midnight and apparently he still hasn't made it home from a family trip. I mean, it's not like I'm mad that he promises me that he'll be here and didn't. It's totally not it at all.

Tv and sleeping was pretty much al I have been doing since he was on his trip to China. It's not like I'm upset to see him, but it's been almost a month and I really miss him. I just hope that he'll come home soon before I go crazy.

Since I didn't have anything else to do, I went into my kitchen to find something to eat. A snack of chips or candy sounded like the ideal thing. Gotta get the yumms in my tumms.

After looking through the cabinets, pretty much all there was were cereal, bread, and random soup cans. Definitely, not what I was looking for, so I went to the fridge to see what was in there. When I looked around, I saw a small red bag with a golden ribbon tied around it.

To be honest, I don't really eat at home a lot, so I really don't remember buying whatever is in this red baggy. I grabbed the bag  and opened it. Inside there were individually wrapped hard candy. They were candy that Leon gave me the last time he was gone.

I took out one of the wrapped candy, opening it and popping it in my mouth. The taste of strawberry making my mouth water from the flavor. Just as fast as I put the small candy in my mouth, it dissolved, making me want me to put another in my mouth. Probably after my thirtieth piece of candy, I finished the whole bag.

There were sadness and disappointment, but the end was the end. The candy was the pretty much the best thing ever, I could just feel the cavities sitting in from all the sugar.

As I threw the red bag away, the door bell rang. Not wanting to be rude, I answered the door. Looking up a bit to see the person's face, I saw Leon....with a red bag and yellow ribbon.

"Hey (y/n)! Look what I got you from china! They're lucky candy." He passed the bag to me before entering. I closed the front door and looked inside the bag. Inside we're individually wrapped candy. "Hopefully you're not mad that I didn't message that I would be late coming home."

"It's okay, to be honest I'm not that mad." I grabbed a candy and popped it into my mouth. "I got me some more of this, so I'm good."

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