Austria x Musical!Reader

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Back at it again with the double posting day

Back at it again with the double posting day

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(Me lol)

"Come on, just hurry up. It doesn't take all day to choose between bows that all look exactly alike."

If you were wondering what I was complaining about, Roderich was currently looking at new bows for his violin since I accidently broke his.

Hey, I'm good with music, but that doesn't mean I can't mess up once in a while. I'm human too, but apparently I have to get scolded anyway even after apologizing.

Huffing, he turned at me, taking his eyes off what he was doing. "I have to choose what feels right, not just grab and go like you."

"Fine, but since you're apparently take all day picking out something simple, I'm going to look around a bit." He waved me off, which pretty much was an okay, so I started walking in a random direction. Even though we just started going out, it feels like we're already an old married couple. I'm not complaining though, it's not that bad, it's actually entertaining.

Musical instruments pretty much lined up all the walls in the store. I played around with some of them until I got yelled at by the manager. Almost getting kicked out for not buying anything, but luckily they bought that I was just testing out the items first before I decide that I want to buy or not.

While looking around, thoughts pop into head. Random ones, really. Stuff from what I'll do when I get home to what my friends might be doing to really pervy stuff. It can be anything, really. I know when I'm super bored when that starts to happen, so I go back over to where Roderick was.

He was still looking at the same stuff, not moving from the spot I saw him last. Why can't he just take one and go, it would be different if it was something major.

Just then one of those random thoughts popped back into my head and I wasn't going to let it just be a thought.

"Hey, Rod?"


"If you were a starter Pokemon, I would choose you."



"Go home."

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