Romano x Reader

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Requested by: @Clare_Bear__


(f/n) = first name

(f/f) = favorite food

I sat up from my bed, Romano still sleeping beside me. He convinced me to take a nap, or a 'siesta' with him. To be honest, it wasn't as bad as I thought. I mean, yeah, he's handsy when he sleeps, but it's winter and the window was open, so I'll let it slide.

Knowing that I won't be able to fall back to sleep, I quietly got out of bed. It was about dinner time and since Feli was out with Ludwig, I decided to make dinner. Going downstairs was a bit of a challenge because almost all of the steps from the stairs squeaked.

I made my way to the kitchen which was surprisingly huge since it's just Feli and him. Instead of making pasta like Feli, I decided to make (f/f). I gathered the needed ingredients from the fridge/cabinets and laid them down on the counter.

I finished cooking dinner after a hour or so and set the table. Since it was just me and Lovi, it didn't take long to set the table. I didn't know how much of (f/f) he wanted, so I decided that he could just serve himself when he comes downstairs.

There was still a while until he would wake up, so I went upstairs to wake him up instead of waiting. I went back up the squeaky stairs and walked back into his bedroom. He was still asleep so I crawled back onto the bed and started bouncing up and down.

He groaned and grabbed my waist, trying to get me to settle down. I kept bouncing until he started pulling me down. I let him pull me down and wrap his arms around me. I looked up at his still sleeping figure, some of his hair falling onto his face.

"Lovi, wake up." I said, poking his cheek. "I made dinner. It'll get cold if we stay up here too long." He opened his eyes slowly. Just by looking at his eyes, I could tell that he was annoyed with me.

"Can't you just bring the food up here?" He took his hands off of me and rubbed his eyes.

"I already set the table and we could stain the sheets if we eat here." I rolled out of bed and closed the window that he left open.

"Okay we can eat downstairs. Besides, I rather stain the sheets with something else." My face turned red at his comment. I gave him an annoyed/embarrassed face, but he just gave me a smirk before going downstairs.

I followed him down the stairs, but since I'm the cluts that I know I am, I fell down the last three steps with a big thump coming afterwards. Lovi, who was already in the kitchen, ran over with a worried emotion on his face.

I groaned and let him pick me up and sit me onto his couch. I felt a ping of pain coming from my leg and I guess he could tell by how much I was touching it.

"Let me see." He moved my hand from my leg and grabbed my pajama pants before pulling it up my leg. Once my pant leg was up my upper thigh, He looked at my leg. My knee bruised, scrapped, and bleeding a little. He sighed as he wiped the blood off my knee with his sleeve. "You're such a idiot, cant even go down a flight of stairs without fucking up."

Tears started to form from hearing the words from his mouth. My lip started quivering as I watched him wipe away the blood from my knee. A angry expression, still plastered on his face. Even though trying to stop crying, tears started falling which landed on Lovi's face. Surprised, he looked up with confusion. 

"What's wrong? Did I hurt you?!" He said, cupping my now crying face. My tears ran from my cheeks and onto his hands.

"I'm  r-really an idiot?"  I grabbed his wrist, holding them tight as I continued to cry.


"When I mess up, you call me a idiot. Like when I dropped that bucket of tomatoes that you picked or when I spilled syrup all over the floor. I said I was sorry, but you kept yelling at me. I really am one. An idiot, aren't I?" I choked on my tears as I let go of his wrists. He let go off my cheeks and pulled me into a tight hug like from the nap from earlier.

"You aren't an idiot! I just say things without thinking about how you'll feel. I'm sorry." I stopped crying and tried to calm myself by breathing his scent from his shoulder. Soon, my breathing was back to normal and I was calm.

I pulled away from Lovi to see that he was the one crying now.

"W-what?" I asked, surprised to see him this way.

"I just can't forgive myself for making you feel like shit this whole time." He pulled me back into the hug before I could understand what happened.

"Lovino, it's okay." He shook his head.

"No, it's not." I brushed away the tears that were falling from his face. "I'm sorry."

I smiled and pulled away.

"It's okay, I forgive you. Now, how about we eat dinner?"

"Okay, but let me fix up your leg first."

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