Canada x HockeyFan!Reader

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Requested by: @thatotakugamer


"Come on, The games about to start!" I yelled at my friend, Elizabeta. Even though she's not as a fan of hockey as me, she goes to games and such my sake. I really don't like going alone so it's just the best to have someone to go with.

Today, however, wasn't a game we were going to, we were actually going to a signing that he does only twice a week. Other players do it like every month, but the player that I'm wanting to get an autograph from is all antisocial or shy or something.

Sighing, she started jogging just to keep up with me. "You know,  we have like five hours until the signing starts, right?" I tapped her shoulder, chuckling at her innocence.

"Eliz, if we don't get in line at least that early, there will be no way we'll be able to see him. And I really can't wait six more months to try again, nor do I have the money."

We finally made it too the line, it was a little long, but we could manage as long as we don't let any scrubs cut us in line. (a/n; I'm talking about a shit kid who cut me at wof, he knows who he is -_-)

As we were waiting in line, I kept looking at my watch, taping my fingers together. Literally anything that would occupy the time that we had to spare. Okay, maybe we did come a little too early, but am I going to admit it? Nahhhh.


After five hours of literally nothing but waiting in line, we finally heard people screaming, throwing things, the usual fangirl stuff.When it happened, Eliza and I woke up from our daydreams.

"Okay, Eliz, do I look okay?" I asked spinning around in a circle. If I was going to meet him I didn't want to look bad.

"You look fine, (f/n). You're just getting an autograph, not like you're going on a date with the guy." I rolled my eyes.

"It might as well be! This is a chance of a life time!"I fixed my hair a bit, if I'm going to see the one and only Matthew Williams, I gotta look good.

The line went pretty fast, to be honest. Probably due to the fact that he wants to hurry everything up, since he doesn't like to do stuff like this. You know, the whole social thing and stuff.

Soon, I was next in line and I was super hyped. Like the thrill of meeting him! I just can't! I can kind of see him from where we're standing, and it's super exciting!

"Sorry, we're done. No one else, sorry." The security guy that works for the building , started pushing us back, telling us to leave.

"Wait, what the heck? I'm like the last one in line!" I dropped the jersey with Matthew's number on it. "I just wanted an autograph, man."   

"Sorry, no more peo-"

"Henry!" We looked over to the meet up booth, THE Matthew Williams was still sitting down at the table. "Just let her come over, an autograph isn't a big deal." I picked up the jersey I dropped, doing a small jump as I got back up. I walked over, pretty much dying from excitement.

"Thank you so much!" I said, trying not to die from freaking out. I gave him the jersey, which he signed.

"No, thank you." He handed me back the jersey, a long with a smile before leaving. I looked back down at the now autographed jersey to see that there was something else written on it besides his name.


" God!"

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