Iceland x Bullied!Reader

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Requested by: @YukiAtlantis

I wouldn't say that this was any cliche bullying. Bullying came in different types of ways, physical, verbal, cyber, you can be a victim of one or all of these forms of bullying in your lifetime. For me, it was just verbal and I was lucky, but at the same time not, for words can be more deadly than actions. Tere has been so many people afraid of just going to school for the fear of being made fun of and mocked for nothing.

Let's just day this, people are really mean. I closed my locker, taking a big breath to relax and prepare myself for the rest of the day.

"Hey, idiot!" I cringed at the sound of my voice. Turning around, I saw the person who likes to pick on me the most, Romano.

"What do you want Romano?" I did my nails into my binder, them almost ripping into the plastic cover. Seeing the hoard of people, I decided to not give him the chance to say anything back and decided to just walk away.

"Woah, woah, woah pretty princess. Not even gonna let me say anything?" Gripping my shoulder, Romano squeezed as he followed to me to my class. "Where's your little friend? What's his name, Email or something?"

"What's it to you? And it's Emil not Email." I pushed his hand off my shoulder. Saving me, the bell rang saving me from him. "Look, just leave me and Emil alone."

I ran into the ground of teenagers, to go off to my class. Thankfully Emil was in the same class so i can feel safe.

~Time Skip~

"Finally we can go home." Reaching up to  the sky, I stretched my arms as far as I can go. "Can't wait to get home and change into pajamas."

Looking besides me, I watched Emil groan. "You make it sound like going home is fun. I rather be at school without them being nagged by my brother." Seeing how his thoughts are the opposite, it made me smile.

"Hey Pretty Princess, Email! I've been trying to find you guys for a whiiiile." The both of us stopped to see Romano catching up with us.

Looking up to Emil he patted my back. "Don't worry about him." Emil whispered as Romano made his way. I whispered an okay as I prepared for whatever the hot head was about to say.

"So, you guys are like, dating?" Romano tried to hold in a laugh as he asked to question.

Gripping the straps of my backpack, I nervously moved around. I could think of what to say, my mind was blank.

"Yeah, what's the problem with that?" Emil answered as nonchalant as possible. Wrapping his arm around me, Emil pulled me into his chest.

"You seriously want me to believe that you guys are a thing. I think she'd be more into someone else." The poke in the ribs actually sounded more like hurt feelings and I think Emil saw it that way too.

"Wait, are you saying that you like (f/n)?" Romano crossed his arms, giving off a disgusted face.

"No! Why would I ever want to date her? Gross." I rolled my eyes, hearing stuff from him barely hurt anymore. It was like a was getting numb to it.

Emil sighed, upset that he had to talk to Romano in the first place. "Because she's funny, beautiful. She's not needy, but she likes having attention on her. She loves staying indoors, which is fine with me because I like being at her house then mine. I like lounging around the house together, watching her favorite show. Just...I love everything about her."

I looked up at Emil, seeing that he was already looking down at me. "Woah, I didn't know that you saw me like that. That's...really nice."

I didn't even notice Romano ran off. Until I heard his brother call out for him in the distance, asking what was wrong.

"Well, how about we actually start dating?" I felt his arm come down from my shoulder and grabbed my hand with his.


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