Germany x Nyo!Germany

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Same but also two very different people

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Same but also two very different people. Two sides of the same coin, two peas in a pod.

Well, that would make sense since they are technically the same person. People would ask if it was a conceit complex, then dating each other and at the same time themselves. But to them, it's true love and that's all that matters.

"Ludwig, Luise! Look what we found." The two Germans looked over to see their best friends, Feliciano and Feliciana playing with what was pretty much a kiddy sand box.

Luise had the good idea of buying the sand box to put outside so they won't get bored as fast. It was almost as if taking care of children almost, but in a good way. Almost like a overprotective mother, there was nothing in the sand box with corners they could potentially stab themselves with. Even the sand box wasn't even square, it was actually circle.

Ludwig, on the other hand, has been making sure that they just don't kill themselves. Relax was more his style but with Feliciano, he's never really had that chance. Him training with Feli has been rough since Kiku has been more around Alfred lately, and he had suspicions about those two.

The two Germans looked over to see their friends playing with a caterpillar that somehow crawled into the box. "Ja, we can see." Ludwig called from the balcony, standing along side with Luise.

"Just be careful, don't squeeze it too hard now." Luise told Feliciana, who hard the fuzzy caterpillar in her hand. Everything seemed peaceful, the to Germans holding hands as they tried to relax in their seats.

Luise took a sip of her Bluna, an orange drink popular in Germany. Both watching her friends and relaxing with her special person set the tone of a perfect day.

"The caterpillar is crawling into my shirt!!" A shriek of terror disrupted the relaxing mood.

Ludwig and Luise looked at each other as if trying to see who gets to go to help. "I'll make dinner if you go." Luise suggested taking that last sip of her orange flavored drink for it to become empty.

"Hmph, fine."

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