Finland x Reader (slight crack short)

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"S-s-Santa?" I looked at the man wearing a Santa outfit. Never in my day have I believed in that made up guy, but he's standing right in front of me know in my own living room.

He looked different from what all the stories say. Usually the story had him as old with a beard, but this guy looked the exactly the opposite.

"Umm, you should be in bed." He whispered awkwardly looking around.  Probably to avoid looking at me.

"And you shouldn't exist." I took a deep breath, trying to keep myself from freaking out. "And how did you get into my house?"

"Uh..." He opened his bag pulling out a small statue. "Think fast!" I thought I could catch it, but the power in the throw made it really fast.

From how powerful that throw was, I fell on the ground, the statue breaking when it met the wooden floor. After getting myself together, I looked up. The man was gone and what was left was presents that were left behind.

Maybe I'll believe in Santa from now on. 

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