Cuba x Reader

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A/n: all information about this character was found on the Hetalia Wiki.


It's finally happening! My trip to Cuba!

I've been saving up since I was in middle school. Now that hardcore saving has paid off after so long.

A lot of people ask me why I always wanted to go to Cuba. To be honest, I'm in love with the view at the beach there, but there's a real secret reason why I'm going.

Since I live in (country), it (will/won't) take a while for me to arrive there. It was now a half an hour on the plane ride. Since I got a widow seat, I just stared out it while listening to music on my phone.

(Favorite song) was playing in the background as I looked out the smudgy window. Even though a bit dirty, you could still see the beautiful blue sky. Practically no clouds were in sight. It was just a perfect day to do for a flight to Cuba.


The flight finally ended and people, especially me, started scurrying out of the plane a fast as possible. Wouldn't you if you were sitting by people who either smell really bad, were really loud, or leaned on your shoulder while they were sleeping. Yeah, that happened.

Once I grabbed my suitcase, I started walking to the entrance. I was going to have dinner at my hotel, but I saw a small ice cream parlor at the entrance. Just the sight of the frozen treat, made my tummy rumble.

There was no one that was going to tell me at I couldn't have any, so I get to do what I want (💁🏻). With my luggage  at my side, I walked over to the counter and ordered (amount of scoops) of (favorite flavor) ice cream.

I sat down in one of the many booths once paying and getting bae (the ice cream🍦). It didn't take very long before half of it was already gone.

Eating that fast did have consequences, however. A major brain freeze made me stop eating for a while. Meaning that I kept myself occupied by looking around the little shop.

While looking around, my eyes landed on a really good looking guy on the other side of the shop. I didn't want to stare, but I couldn't look away.

Dark hair, brown eyes, and a tan to pretty much die for. He was

After a few seconds, I guess he could sense that I was staring. Because he started to look around to small shop. I didn't want to be found, so I looked back down and went back to eating my ice cream.

Glancing back up to try to get another peek, I saw that he was looking in my direction. I gulped and decided that it wasn't me he was looking at.

'Okay (first name), if he's still looking over in our direction then he's definitely looking at us.' I thought to myself.

Taking a deep breath, I looked back up and he was still looking at me!

Should I say something? Maybe he's just looking at me because I have something on my face? He's too hot to talk to!

'Come on (first name)! Just go up there and at least say hi. He's too hot to not say anything to!'

After giving myself a peep talk, I got up from my seat, remembering the real reason to come to Cuba.

To meet smexy boyz!! 😘🙌🏻

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