Hungary x Reader Part 2

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I decided to do a part two because everyone really wanted one.

!Warning! This also is a requested lemon.

This story will be three parts. The third part the lemon.

Also, sorry that it's so short. I'm trying to get back into the swing of things.


I laid on my bed, facing the ceiling. The pale color making me feel more calm. It helped with the situation, all these feelings.

It's been months since I've talked to Eliz. Ever since what she said I couldn't be around her anymore. I stopped following her on all our social media and deleted her contact out of my phone. I needed to get away as fast as I could.

Though trying to get her out of my life, I keep hearing things about her. How her and her boyfriend broke up again, which isn't surprising really. They've done this several times before.

I went downstairs, a knock from the front door waking my from my day dream. The creaking of the wooden floor played as I took my steps.

Answering the door, I looked up to see who was at my doorstep. I really couldn't believe who was standing in front of me. My eyes started to become glazed with tears to see Eliz just standing at my doorstep.

"Sorry, I cant." Before I let her have her say, I went to close the door. Just seeing her made me lose my mind. The event that happened months ago was still haunting to me.

She grabbed the door right before I was able to close it, opening it again. "Just let me talk to you, please." I gave it a few seconds to think it through. I could just slam the door in her face and live my life without thinking about her again or I could let her in and listen to whatever she has to say.

Sighing, I signaled her to come in. "Okay, but you have ten minutes." She smiled and let her in, heading to the living room. She already knew where everything was since we used to be very close in the past. I sat on the opposite side of the couch, not wanting to get too close. I already invited her in, I don't want to move too fast for myself. I'm still trying to forget want happened with us earlier.

"(F/n), I'm sorry about what and how I said that stuff to you." I looked at her, trying to find any hint in her facial expression to if she was just playing around. But there wasn't anything, just pure sadness.

I gulped down, almost choking due to how dry my mouth has become. My mind, blank. Never in a million years would I have thought she would try to apologize about something like this. "Eliz, you can't just apologize and everything will magically be better." I hugged my legs, my face laying on my knees.

She reached to pet my hair, making me flinch and want to back away more. I didn't want to her to be any more upset, so I let her do what she wanted. "I know that...I just want to make up for it." I pulled away from my knees, wiping my face from invisible dirt.

"And how you plan to do that?" Yeah, okay 'make up'. I doubt she'll actually do that, but hey, you never know.

She took a little bit to respond. Probably to think on how she would respond. I guess she didn't think that far. "Well, maybe doing stuff for you. Like whatever you want, I want you to feel better for what I have done."

"Okay, but if it gets weird I'm out."

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