Russia x Otaku!Reader (short)

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Requested by: TheHetalianDandere04


"Sunflower, can we please go now?" Asked a pretty impatient Ivan.

"Hold up, I gotta finish this episode and then we can go." I waved him off\, but only got a sigh in reply. Lately I've been a 'little' busy with watching anime and reading manga. It's just something I like to do a lot. It used to be easy to get me out of my room, but after discovering (favorite anime), I'm only out of my room to go to the bathroom or getting something to eat.

"You said that about the last episode. Please, it's been forever since we've went for a walk. What's more important, your show or me?" I turned around, big, (e/c) eyes staring at his violet. Nothing was said for a few seconds, of course I like him more. It's just that I needed to know what happens. 


We were currently at Starbucks. After he asked me that question, we went out for a walk. So now we're taking a break, so that means somethin' special.

I took out my (favorite hand held console) and so did he. We played some random multiplayer games for a while while we were taking it easy.

"Ivan, to be honest, this is a lot more fun. Being with you then being cooped up in my room watching tv."

"I'm glad to hear that, Sunflower. Now let's get going, so we can get home before dark."


We packed up and started walking home. Yeah, I can be an otaku. Someone who likes watching anime and reading manga, but I like this a whole lot better.

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