Lithuania x Reader

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(C/n) = country name


It was my first day at the World Academy. It's been a few years since I became a country and my boss said I should go make friends.

I decided to check some of the clubs around here. Most likely I wouldn't be joining any, but it's still nice to see the varieties of people.


I already checked more than half of the clubs and none of them suited my fancy. Though, there were a few nice people out there that I think I'll be friends with later.

The next club on my list was Choral Club. I don't really feel like singing everyday, but I still want to see what it's like.

I knocked on the door of the room they occupied. It didn't take long until the door opened. Instead of a face, the first thing I saw were gigantic boobs.

"Uh, hello?" I moved back a little so I could see the face of who owned those things. The lady, with lightly colored hair looked down at me with wide eyes.

"Oh, hello girl. Did you want to join the Choral Club?" I grasped my side bag's strap out of nervousness before speaking.

"Uh, I'm new and I actually wanted to look at all the clubs before picking one. Is it okay if you show me what you guys do here?" She smiled and nodded.

"Yes, of course you can come in. I'm Ukraine, by the way."

"(C/n)." She grabbed my hand and led me in the room. Not being rude, I made sure to close the door behind us.

We walked until we met up with three guys who were sitting at a table reading hymnals.

"Guys." Ukraine pushed me towards them making me almost fall over. "This is (c/n). She's new and wants to check out all of the clubs. This is Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania." She pointed at them individually.I looked over the guys as they said there hellos.

Latvia looked nervous and frail while Estonia looked like he could hold his ground pretty well. Lithuania though, there was something about him that interested me.

Apparently I was staring a little too long because Ukraine poked my cheek. I looked at her, with a apologetic face for staring.

"Umm, yeah, I'm (c/n). It's nice to meet you all." A phrase I said probably a hundred times today.

"It's a pleasure as well." Estonia said, pushing up his glasses. Lithuania nodded in agreement. "Since you want to know what we usually do in the club, we usually choose a few songs from the hymnal and sing them. The songs are usually classical. For example, a song like Amazing Grace."

"It's rare that someone new comes a long, so I'll be more than happy to help you get settled in." Lithuania said, closing his hymnal in the process. "If you need it, I would be more than happy to show you around the school as well."

"Oh, well thank you very much." I smiled, giving a sign of gratitude.

'I just wanted to know about the club. It's really nice of him to say that.' I thought as I started to feel my cheeks turn a slight red.

As if sensing the future, Ukraine said a swift goodbye. I watched as she left the room, pulling Latvia and Estonia out with her.

"That was of the weirdness." I looked back at Lithuania who was looking at the door. He noticed me staring and gave me a little smile. "Well, how about I help you get settled like I said I would? I wouldn't just make a empty promise to a pretty girl." My cheeks turned a deeper shade and I could tell that he was a little embarrassed as well.

'Oh my God, (c/n), this is your chance!'

"Yeah, that sounds great."

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