America x Reader (short)

678 31 10

Ahh baseball, America's favorite pastime. What could be better than watching a glorious game with a hot dog and cold soda? And especially with your hot af boyfriend?

Well, pretty much anything. It's not like I don't like watching the game, but with it being almost 90 degrees with humidity, I'm not in the sporty mood.

Alfred, on the other hand, was the most energetic one on the crowd. I don't really know how that's possible, but I also don't know how he's able not be super sweaty in this heat and still smell like that Axe body spray he wears all the time.

"(F/n), is something wrong?" I guess it was super apparent that I wasn't having the time of my life because Alfred had to ask me that. I looked up him, the sun pretty much blinding me.

"It's hot." I wasn't the one to really exaggerate, I just tell it like it is. But don't get me wrong, I can be fun at times.

"Oh! Then why didn't ya say so? Here!" He handed me a water bottle and a portable fan that occasionally sprays drops of water.

Here's the thing with Alfred and I, even though I don't want him to, he always treats me like a princess or some precious gem. He literally brought 20+ items just in case I was in need of anything. For example, tissues, an extra t-shirt, a portable charger, etc. pretty much anything for any situation.

I don't know what his deal is, but it's not like I'm gonna complain about it. If he wants to do that stuff, then I'll let him.

I thanked him, opening my water bottle and taking a sip. It was still pretty cold, probably due to the fact that it was in a concealed bag this whole time.

"If you're uncomfortable, tell me. I'll always make sure you're okay."


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