France x Reader

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It was the middle of summer, July to be more factual. Usually everybody are hanging out with their friends or at a party, but not me. I was to busy to do those type of things. Yeah, I have friends, but I only see them at school.

I was always busy working my two jobs at the library and Starbucks. Starbucks my main job with the library on the weekends. I had to take the place of both my parents. My mom would leave for days on end because she would spend the night with her boyfriend. My father, wasn't at all in the picture, I don't even know where he lives.

Since both parents were too busy to take care of me, I had to take care of myself. That meant getting jobs to pay for my food, the roof over my head, pretty much everything. I knew that my parents loved me, but I couldn't just sit and practically starve waiting to be fed and sheltered.

It was Wednesday afternoon, I was bicycling to Starbucks because it was only a few minutes away. I didn't need to waste money on a car and gas if I wasn't going to go that far.

I made it to work in a half an hour and locked my bike on the bike rack before going in. It was a little early for me to be at work, about five minutes, so I decided to grab a drink before getting ready to start the daily grind. I threw the plastic cup away once finished and clocked in.

I work the front counter, so I just took people's order and occasionally helped making drinks. It's not that hard, just when people are upset and trying to order is a little awkward.


"Can I get a Caffé Mocha?" I nodded, giving the man his price. He paid me, giving me exact change.

I went over to the machine, making the order. After only a few seconds, the man started getting impatient. It started as tapping on the counter to checking his watch.

"How much longer?! You know I have a schedule to keep and you're making it hard for me to!"

"I'm almost done, sir." I hurriedly finished up the drink and gave it to him.

"It's about time, what took you so long?!" I looked down on the ground, afraid to look this guy in the eyes. I didn't say anything back or even look up, but I can tell that this guy wasn't leaving until I apologized.

"Leave her alone, is that how you treat a lady?" I looked up to see another man holding the offenders shoulder.

This other man, he was so handsome. Bright, blonde hair and ocean blue eyes. His face looked as if it was perfectly sculpted with a small sight of stubble. He was just...perfect.

"T-this is isn't your problem, so back off!" The blonde man's expression changed to a more made one, and his attitude as well since he pushed the other man's drink out of his hand. The hot liquid over the floor.

"No, you, just leave." The offender to his advice, leaving the scene in an instant. Once he left, the blonde man looked over at me. "Are you okay?" I gave a faint nod before looking away again.

"Why did you help me?" He smiled, giving a small chuckle.

"Because all women should be treated like a flower. Carefully, as if they could break any moment."

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