Hungary x Reader

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Is it really that wrong to like a girl? To my family, it is, but to all my friends and the media say they accept it. Man, I wish I was part of a different family. At least that family would be okay with it so I wouldn't be having to stay in the closet.

I really thought I was straight for all of my life. Don't get me wrong, I really think some guys are fucking hot, but the person I have a crush right now on is a girl. And worse, she's one of my best friends who has only ever dated guys like Roderich and Gilbert.

Don't get me wrong, I feel like I'm getting slight hints on her liking me. Like her calling me pretty, holding my hand on random occasions, along with hugs. But that's normal stuff that friends do, so I can't really say that she's doing that because she has feelings for me.

There have been times that I've tried to stop these feelings and try to like some guy at school. But every time I do, she brings me back with her smile, voice, and just her pure existence. It's just, so hard to try to get over her. er brown hair is super long and beautiful, her eyes like shimmering emeralds. Just everything about her is just so perfect. So perfect, that the angels bow down to her.

Maybe I should just tell her how I feel so I can get this feeling out in the open. Yeah, that's probably a good idea. If I actually want to do something about this, I need to get off my ass and tell her. Tomorrow at school I will, for sure. For now, I'll just figure out what I'll wear and say.


On the way of walking on the way home with her, I stopped walking. It was the say that I said I would tell her, I can't just back down now.

"Hey, Eliz?" She stopped, and turn to look at me. I looked down, taking in a deep breath.

"What's up (f/n)?" Gulping, I decided that should just tell her and run or something.

"Eliz, I just w-wanted to say that I really like you. Like a romantic kind of like." She looked at me as if I was crazy. And out of no where she started laughing.

"Oh, did you not hear? I got back together with Roderich. (F/n), your my best friend, but I don't like girls at all." Tears fell down my cheeks as the last sentence came out of her voice. How could she say that and laugh about it like it was no big deal?

"How could you just laugh!" I ran off, heading the opposite direction than I was supposed to. I didn't care, I just needed to get away. Why? Why would she say it like that?

Is it that wrong to like a girl?

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