12 - Hell

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"Hannah, we need to talk." I started as Dean and I joined her in the main room after getting up the next morning.

"What's up?" She asked.

"We have a hunt but it's a super major hunt. We both need to go and after doing some thinking, we realized that you can't stay home alone. We have an idea and we want to make sure you're ok with it." I told her.

"What's your idea?" She asked cautiously.

"We go to the hunt and bring you with us, and you hide on the floor in the backseat since you're small enough. We just don't want any demons or anything to get you and you don't need to watch us get hurt and fight. I know it's going to be uncomfortable, but it's the only option." I explained.

"Ok. How will I not freeze to death in there though? If you leave the car running, someone can just drive off with me." She asked. That was a good point.

"I'll give you some blankets, and I'll let you have my leather jacket." Dean asked and she nodded in agreement. "Ok. Well we have to head out soon, so I'll go get packing." Dean stated.

"You sure you're ok with this, kiddo?" I asked gently.

"You guys need to do this. I can stay in the car for a while. It's ok." She said sincerely. "I'll be bored and scared, but ok." I nodded. Dean joined us in a couple minutes with two duffel bags. This case ended up being a town over and not very far, but these were just in case we needed them. We all piled in the impala and headed out.

"Ok. We're gonna stop close to where we need to go for the case and give you a chance to get situated. I'll scoot my seat up a tad so you have more room." I stated as we stopped at a hotel parking lot. She put her tiny arms through Dean's leather jacket and let the ends dangle off. She then wrapped herself in the flannel blanket and lowered herself to the floor of the backseat. It required her taking off her seat belt which I wasn't happy with, but it was a short 1 block drive and there was literally no traffic. "Is there anything else we can do to make you more comfortable?" I asked.

"No. I'm just scared." She said sadly.

"I'm sure, kiddo. We'll be as safe as possible." I promised. We pulled up to where we thought Azazel was hiding out. As soon as we pulled up, he walked out. We got out of the car thinking it was the safest for Hannah.

~Dean's POV~

Azazel stood there and didn't say anything for a while. He just stared us down. "What do you want? Why are you back in town killing people?" I asked.

"What do you think? I knew you guys would come after me. Why not have a little fun with some people and some fire while I wait for you to show up?" He taunted. "And of course, who can forget the little munchkin you two decided to pick up? She'll make a great demon once I get to her. You brought her with you too. Just making my job easier, Dean. Now hand her over." He commanded. Sam stood in front of the door to the backseat, trying to guard Hannah. Azazel used his invisible force to drag Sam over to him. He grabbed Sam by the wrist and bent his arm behind his back. Sam screamed in pain.

"It's your choice, Dean. Either hand over the girl or I send Sammy to hell where he belongs. I'll let you run free." He offered.

"No way. You're not getting away with either of them." I retorted. He bent Sam's arm further behind his back causing another shout of pain. I couldn't help the tears falling down my face at Sam's pain.

"I'm letting you go free, Dean. That's an offer I don't ever give. It's got a time limit as well. Now make a choice. Give me the girl or give me your brother. It's as simple as that." I told Hannah to get out of the car and to stand behind me.

"Whatever you do, Hannah, don't look around me. Please, don't. I'm protecting you right now." I explained to her. I felt her nod. I looked at Sam who was now on his knees. He looked me back straight in the eyes. He nodded and mouthed 'do it' at me. I knew what he meant, but I didn't like it. "I'll see you soon, Sam." I told him as calmly as possible.

Azazel let out a loud laugh. "Wow. I never thought I'd see the day the infamous Dean Winchester gave up his own brother for some puny little kid he doesn't even care about. Well, you made your choice." He stated ominously. "See you in hell, Sam. I'm gonna have fun getting to torture you this time." Sam looked more scared than I've ever seen. He took one last look at me before I heard the bark of the hellhounds. 'Cas.' I mouthed at him. He nodded. "I'll get you back, little bro." I stated before the hellhound took the first bite. It wouldn't take long for them to destroy him. They dug into him and blood was flooding from him. He screamed so much. I couldn't help all the tears that fell from my face. Suddenly with a flash, Azazel was gone and it was just me with a sobbing Hannah behind me.

"Hannah, can you wait in the car for a minute please?" I asked. "And close your eyes. You don't need to see this." She nodded softly. She got inside and I shut the door. I grabbed Sam's lifeless body and placed him gently in the front seat. It seemed so wrong to put him in the car, but I had to. I ordinarily would have put him in the backseat, but Hannah didn't need to see that much death at her age. There was a place in this town that he and I had talked about as a last minute burial place where it was secluded, but that if we came back we could get out. I got in the impala, and headed there. Never once saying a word to Hannah. She stayed there with her eyes shut as I pulled up to the spot. "Hold on a sec. I'll be right back." We had it all planned out. It took me only about 15 minutes to get everything set up and have him buried the way he wanted to be. I walked somberly back to the car and got in. I was too distressed to drive back to the bunker that night so I pulled back up to the hotel and got a room.

~Hannah's POV~

I was still crying and couldn't stop. Sam was gone. Dean didn't even say anything to me. Maybe the guy who killed Sam was right. Maybe Dean never cared. Dean came around and opened my door. He picked me up and carried me inside. I sat on the bed sadly. I was still crying. I scooted myself up against the headboard.

"Dean?" I asked quietly.

"Yeah, kiddo?" He asked. He sounded really distant like he hardly noticed I was there.

"Um, I- uh- I" I started but couldn't finish. "I need a hug." I choked out as another bunch of tears came. Hugs always made me feel better. He got up and came over to me. He picked me up and hugged me tightly, pacing the room to try to calm me down.

"I'm sorry I haven't said anything to you really this whole time. I'm trying to figure out how to deal with this. I know it's hard on you too. This was my fault." He consoled.

"Tomorrow, will you tell me what happened? Please? I just want to know. You don't have to tell me now. I really just want to sleep now anyways." I asked.

"I'll tell you tomorrow. Go ahead and sleep if you need to." Dean approved. I never took his jacket off. I climbed under the covers and tried to fall asleep but couldn't stop the tears. Dean climbed in next to me. There was only one bed since he wasn't planning on stopping, but it worked out fine. I felt his hand rub my back. "It's ok. Shh. Shh. It's ok. I'm not going anywhere." He whispered. I eventually fell asleep and didn't wake up until morning.

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