23 - Disappointment

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"Dean?" She spoke up.

"Yeah, kiddo?"

"I'm sorry. It's my fault the social worker came to get me. I begged Cas to take me out for ice cream. My old parents happened to see me and my dad called her. It was stupid. I'm sorry." Dean looked pissed. He didn't say anything, he just sat there and stared angrily into space.
"Dean, say something. Please. I'm sorry." She begged as her apology turned into a whimper.

"Sorry?" He shouted. "You ruined our lives for the past 3 weeks. I thought it was my fault this whole time and I forced Sam to stay up for the past 3 weeks on very little sleep to save you, and then you tell me it was because of you and Cas? How could you do that? We were worried sick and it's all your fault." He stated furiously then got up and slammed the door to his room shut.

"Hey." I started.

"I know you're mad too, Sam." She stated before walking to her room. Since when did everything start going horribly around here?

I walked to her room where she was face down crying into her pillow. "Hey, Don't worry about him. He's upset about other stuff too I think. I don't care what happened or why. I just care that you're ok now. Come here." She got up out of bed and I crouched down to her level. "I'm not mad. You're just a kid and you wanted some ice cream. You didn't know your dad would be there and you didn't think about it being dangerous." I consoled as I wiped her tears away.

"Can I ask a question?" She asked. I nodded. "Did Dean really make you stay up that long to try to find me?"

"Yes. I've been getting maybe 3-4 hours of sleep a night. I slept like 18 hours yesterday so I would feel well enough to go find you today. He was worried sick about you. He's the reason I found you. There were times I wanted to give up. Not because I didn't want to find you, but because I was having trouble finding you and I was so exhausted." She nodded.

"Thank you. For not giving up and for finding me. I thought for a while you didn't want to come find me but I'm glad you did. I love you, Sammy. I hope you know that." She forced out as she cried harder onto me.

"Of course, honey. I was never gonna give up on you. What I meant by that was take a break of searching so I could rest a little. I love you to death, Hannah. Now I have a question." She nodded. "How was it with those other people? How did they treat you?" I wanted to be sure I knew if they hurt her.

"They were ok. They were nice, but they didn't love me. I was ok with being with them, but they didn't love me like you guys. And just so you know, the reason I didn't want to see you at first was because I was scared you'd be mad and not really want me back or you'd punish me for being stupid. I missed you guys a lot." She explained.

"I'm glad they didn't hurt you. I figured out that was why you didn't want to see us. I'm not mad, I want you here with us, and I'm not gonna punish you. I tell you what, I'm gonna talk to Dean, ok? Please just wait here. I'll be back." I told her as I headed out of her room.

"Wait. Does Dean hate me now?" She asked with such fear and terror in her voice that she began shaking slightly.

I walked back over to her. "Honey, He doesn't hate you. He's just a little mad because he thought it was his fault and now he knows it wasn't. I'm gonna talk to him. Just try to relax and I'll be right back, ok?" She nodded and I walked to Dean's room.

I knocked on his door and walked in.

"What do you want?" He snapped angrily.

"I just want to talk. What is up with you recently? Ever since the night I slept really late, you've been sounding off and now you're taking it out on Hannah." I explained. He really didn't seem to want to explain, but I knew he was going to.

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