Any Last Words?

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Warning: Self Harm, Language, Gore

I lay on my bed, staring at the ceiling and thinking about everything that happened last night. Ian and I talked for awhile, he even played a board game with me. I told him about not hearing the voice, the cops not believing me, the 'missing' people, and how one of them was my friend. A knock on my door snapped me back to reality, looking over I see a piece of paper was slid through the bottom on the door and into my room. I sit up, cautiously go over and pick it up, turning it over I see some words.

But...I can't read...

I look at the note confused and try to read it the best I can. The first word was easy I guess. I.

Okay, I got the first word! I. But whats the others!? There's five words and I only have one...I guess I'll have to ask Ian when he comes to visit, he said he would come today to check on me. Probably because of what happened yesterday, I guess I really scared him huh?

Get up, get dressed, go to breakfast. My usual routine. Entering the main room I see Starla sitting at our table all alone, she looked sad. I walk over and sit beside her, she smiles sadly at me.

"Hey Derp...looks like it's just you and me, huh?" She says quietly.

"Yep." I answer her. The rest of breakfast is quiet, other than Starla mumbling something every once in awhile.

So what do I do now? I really could use that voice again..he always tells me what to do. Well I've used a knife twice now, and a rock. I really need a new weapon. I could always use that pencil in my room of necessary, I guess. Wait, what did the voice say before? Mess with their heads! Starla is kind of...depressing. She looks sad when her friends aren't looking, but now that they are gone I guess she doesn't have to smile at all, she walks alone too. Now that I think about it, she goes everywhere alone now. She's also kind of OCD about everything...

After breakfast I decided to follow Starla, figure out her schedule. Starla walks down the hall slowly, I walk a few feet away from her so she doesn't notice me. She goes out side and grabs a jump rope, folds it and runs back in.
Why does she need that?

Next, she goes to her room, I stand outside of her door for awhile waiting for her to come back out, but she doesn't. After standing there for what seems like forever, I decide to go back towards the main room and watch some TV.

~Magical Time Skip To Supper Time :3~

"Derp Ssundee Stapleton, please come to the front desk please, thank you" The nurse announced over the speaker.

"Ian must be early, bye Starla!" I say rushing out towards the front desk where the ugly ass nurse was waiting with her fake ass smile.

"Hey Derp! Feeling any better dood?" Ian asks as soon as he sees me, I smile and nod.

"Come on, lets go to your room and talk." He grabs my hand, that warm feeling I usually get is back again, my face feeling on fire as I follow him.

We enter my room, Ian closing the door behind him, he flinches at the wall before coming to sit beside me.

"Hey Ian, the others kind of tease me about not being able to read...i was wondering if you could help me read these?" I pull out five pieces of paper, I figured if I ripped the note so that the words were separated he wouldn't read it himself.

Ian smiles at me, "Sure Derp." He takes one of the papers and looks at it, "This one has three letters, that's Y. O. U. You." He explains.


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