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First thing I heard when I woke up was a rapid beeping noise, opening my eyes I see that bracelet Derp gave me was blinking red, the noise coming from it too. Next, I realized I was upside down, still buckled to the seat. I slowly unbuckle myself, falling on the inside roof of the car. My glasses had a small crack on them so I take them off and lay them down, not exactly needing them. I look over at Derp, I get that sinking feeling when I see he's not breathing. As I crawl over to him, the door on his side opens, Quentin and Adam help carefully pull him out, I try and help too. When I'm out I see Ty on the phone, probably calling for an ambulance.

Adam comes up to me, putting his hands on my shoulders, "Ian, are you alright?"

"I...I'm fine..." I tell him, he doesn't believe me.

I go over to Derp, Quentin is already there and he looks at me, "He has a pulse but we can't do anything till paramedics arrive, CPR won't help..."

I can hear sirens going off in the distance, and before I knew it paramedics were pulling me away from Derp. I stood there and watched as they shocked him, a man looking at a watch on his wrist was the only one not doing anything. I tensed as a hand gently grabbed my shoulder, I look over and see Adam, he gives me a look of sympathy before hugging me. I hugged him back, tears silently running down my cheek.

"Get the stretcher, we're taking him to the hospital." I hear one of the paramedics say.

Adam lets go of me and I rush over to the ambulance as they put him in, I quickly say who I am before jumping in, a paramedic closing the door quick.

The paramedics frantically hooked Derp up to wires and use multiple syringes to inject him with medicine I don't know about. One of them was talking to me at a fast pace trying to explain what they were doing and all that, but I didn't really understand or care. All I cared about was Derp. I held his limp hand all the way to the hospital, yet I was still zoned out the whole time. As soon as the ambulance stopped everyone got out and raced to get Derp inside as fast as possible, I ran along beside them. The hospital looked like it was in complete chaos, doctors and nurses running around everywhere, and yelling out orders. A nurse suddenly stopped me and I had to watch them take Derp away, and at that point...I was left alone.

After what felt like hours my friends all came running in towards me, all of them frantically yelling 'Are you okay!?' 'What happened!?' 'Is Derp okay?'

"I'm fine...I...I don't know what happened, I wasn't even watching and someone hit us, I don't know..." I was a freaking mess, my eyes red from crying, blood still covered my clothes, and my hair was probably a mess too.

Seto didn't say anything, he grabbed my hand and pulled me away from everyone and into the bathroom. He made me sit down on a bench in the room and carefully looked at my face.

"You look alright, no cuts, maybe a few bruises. How did that happen? What's this?" He asks, lifting up my arm to look at the bracelet.

"Derp gave it to me this morning." I told him.

Seto takes something out of his pocket and before I could say anything he cuts my arm with a pocket knife.

I yank my arm away from him, "Ow, what the heck Seto!?"

Seto grabs my wrist back and looks at the cut, the bracelet suddenly beeping, a red light blinking before the cut heals.

"Did Derp say where he got this?" Seto lets go of my arm and turns away.

"No...H-how did that..." I ask in complete shock, looking at my, now healed, arm.

"That bracelet is what kept you alive." He answers.

Insanity (Derp Ssundee Horror Story)Where stories live. Discover now