A Devil's Deal

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Cathy walked with me all the way to the main room, carefully setting me down in a chair.

"I'm going to get you some water okay? I'll be right back." She says, walking away towards the kitchen door.

I sat there and looked at the floor, coughing every once in awhile. I neck was hurting, a burning pain where the rope use to be, the beeping from the bracelet subsiding since there were no more wounds to be healed. Unfortunately, it couldn't heal the wound on my heart. No one could heal that. Cathy soon comes back with a glass of water and sits beside me, she grabs my hand and wraps it around the cup so I'm holding it. I stare at the gray colored water for a second before drinking some, only to spit it back out, and dropping the glass on accident. I look at my hand, the one that was holding the cup, and see the gray water all over it. I was really thirsty, and my mouth still had blood in it, so I licked my hand. Cathy looks at me in concern and grabs my hand, pulling me up.

"That's not water dear." She takes me into the kitchen.

Cathy takes a paper towel and wipes off the, what I'm guessing is actually blood, from my hand. They look the same, so it's hard to tell the difference when they're the some color of gray. Cathy looks at me for a moment, silently just staring, which makes me uncomfortable.

"Are you alright? Is something wrong with your eyes?" She places both of her hands on the sides of my face and looks at my eyes.

"M-My eyes look just fine!" I yell at her, flinching away.

"That's not what I meant." She says, gently laying her hands on my shoulders.

"Everything is black and gray, that witch did this to me!" I explain, Cathy stays silent and listens, "She said something in a weird language and now I can't see any color..."

"Oh my, you poor thing, I'm so sorry. I think I know who you're talking about though, come on let's go talk to her." Cathy grabs my hand and pulls me along down the hallway till we get to a door.

Cathy knocks on the door, a few moments later, the same girl that cursed me answered. The girl glares at me, I glare back, my eyes narrowing at her stupid face.

"What do YOU want!? Catherine why would you bring him here, I thought we were friends!" The girl yells.

"He tried to hang himself because of what you did, now undo whatever spell you used." Cathy explains, I look away as she says this.

"He...what?" Is all the girl says.

"I found him in the fenced-in area, hanging from a tree by a jump rope." Cathy whispers to the girl, but I don't think she realized I heard what she said.

"Oh...O-Okay, I...I'm so sorry, I didn't think you would..." She trails off at the end, "Ξεκάνω." She says something in that weird language again.

Suddenly, the world around me brightened up a little, colors slowly appearing everywhere. I looked around at all the different colors, the two girls talking but everything they said went in one ear and out the other. I was too busy enjoying the colors to notice them, or anyone really...not even the shadow that stood down the hall, watching us. I turn my head to look down the hall and see the person, they run out of sight as soon as I do. I remember them from somewhere, but where? Then it hit me! The person that saw me burn the clothes a long time ago. Without thinking, I start racing down the hall towards the shadowed figure running away from me. They were quick, but I was slowly catching up to them. I was finally going to find out who got away. The person starts turning the corner, but before he can, I run right into them and we both slide to the floor and right into the wall, thankfully the wall is fine, and so are we. The person was wearing dark blue jeans, a black hoodie with the hood up, and black shoes. I grab the hood and pull it down, a boy with bright green eyes and light brown hair stares at me with wide eyes.

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